Jesse F
Writer #24015
Joined 12/7/2017
3 Star Rating
1,500 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Jesse has been writing professionally, in one capacity or another, for fifteen years. His early writing was for academic testing, and this emphasis on, and passion for, educational writing has stayed with him. He loves it when people learn from what he writes, whether what they learn is about the world or about themselves. Much of his freelance work has been in informative articles on health and science topics, areas that he finds fascinating, and thus loves to write about. He has also written on tattooing, precious metals investing, and other topics. Need to teach an audience about something? He's your writer.


Article writing, short story writing, dialogue writing, songwriting


Education, science, economics, investing, spirituality, health


500 Projects Completed

Jesse has researched and wrote hundreds of short-form health articles for his clients. Readers want, and sometimes need, descriptions of conditions and information on treatments. Jesse brings clarity, precision, and compassion to his treatment of these sometimes difficult topics.


1,000 Projects Completed

Jesse is a professional article writer, with a passion for gathering and relaying information in an understandable form. He loves writing as an educator, bringing people accurate information to help them support their health or better understand the amazing world around them.

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