Talents: SEO, Google Analytics, SER.
Key Areas: Finance, Law, Dentistry, Business, Economics, Current Events, B2B
CSR, Non-Profit, Sustainablity.
Brian has completed a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Philosophy and a Bachelors of Science in International studies. Throughout the course of his studies he:
- Emphasized critical thinking skills and developing concrete arguments
- Conducted an in-depth review of the global political economy from a theoretical and social perspective
- Encouraged a multi-disciplinary examination of phenomena in the global landscape
- Focused on economic development and peace & justice studies
- Active in academic clubs and frequently attended campus lectures
Brian received a scholarship worth approximately $40,000 to study Ethics, Peace, and Global Affairs.Through his studies, Brian:
- Focused on the practical applications of sustainable economic development, CSR, and public policy
- Emphasized economic development via the private sector
- Studied micro-financing, free trade, import substitution, and other international development methods
- Conducted in-depth reviews of the history of development of Japan, S. Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore
- Wrote sections of a shadow report that was presented to the UN
- Received department award for High GPA
- Active in academic clubs and frequently attended on campus lectures
Brian has worked directly in the finance industry, evaluating projects for government investment. He has also written extensively on various financial topics and specializes in breaking complex topics into layman terms.
Brian specializes in breaking down complex topics and identifying key takeaways. He has written white papers and industry reports on a wide range of topics. His reports have been presented to the United Nations, informed Prime Ministers, and have been used by C-level executives. Topics written on include health care, various agricultural sectors, human rights, economic development, and various technologies (i.e. emergence of smartphones.)