Necko F
Writer #23368
Joined 10/19/2017
4 Star Rating
100% Success
5 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Necko L. F. is a skilled Content Writer with experience in a variety of fields. He's worked for both large name fitness companys handling the bulk of his employer's email content ( to include drafting emails as a means of sales targeting, writing professional emails for dissemination to fellow employees, and handling customer complaints and compliments ), as well as their newsletters and marketing materials.

While working in the military as an Intelligence Analyst he gained an extensive knowledge in technical and analysis based writing. Necko has been able to utilize this experience while writing for a SEO company to advise on how NGO's can better craft content. In this way he was able to bring his analytical and sales focused writing together to facilitate more traffic and thus generate more revenue.

Whether it's satirical, professional, observational, or just SEO filler for your blog, Necko works hard to bring each client exactly what they're looking for, in the the most concise and eloquent way possible.
Newsletter Content
Non Profit
Blog Post


Fiction, Professional Emails, Complaints, Resignation Letters, Cover Letters, "Nerd" Culture, Anime, Academic; LGBTQ Issues, Reporting/Interviews, Blogging, Pop Culture, Fitness, and SEO.


Necko currently operates his my own blog discussing LGBTQ issues. In particular, those LGBTQ concerns that pertain to popular "nerd" culture. In addition to creating his own fiction with a queer focus, Necko feels it's incredibly important to continue writing about the lack and/or uptick in representation in popular media and entertainment. If it has a fantasy / science fiction element to it then chances are he's heard about it, read / watched / played it, or is waiting for it to be released.


Loyola University Chicago

Necko L. F. is currently using his Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits to attend one of Chicago's premier universities. At Loyola University Chicago he is pursuing a degree in English, with a Creative Writing concentration. He has been published through the university literary magazine.

Non Profit

2 Projects Completed

Necko has been an advocated and supporter of LGBTQ issues for quite sometime. In addition to being asked to speak on several occasions about issues regarding this community, Necko has devoted the bulk of his own blogging content to an issue that he views as incredibly important.


0 Projects Completed

Necko has worked for the large name fitness company, Orangtheory Fitness. Over the course of a year he has created content on multiple platforms ( social media, newsletter, email, and marketing materials ) to support the sales and customer service focuses of the business.

Blog Post

3 Projects Completed

Blog posts are how Necko started writing and have continued to be a strong content type for him. In addition to operating and writing content for his own blog, Necko has written blog posts for an SEO based company creating content to be both informative and rank highly during search engine queries.

Newsletter Content

0 Projects Completed

Necko has worked generating newsletter content for a major fitness franchise for over a year. The primary aim of this project has been informative; to put out company information clearly to current and past members. In addition, he has worked closely with the sales team to use the company newsletter as a promotional opportunity to encourage members to bring in potential members themselves.

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