Sarah D
Writer #23293
Joined 10/13/2017
3 Star Rating
4,240 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
• +5 years writing professionally for B2C/B2B using SEO and UX best practices
• Social media marketing for +1 million user media company, Asian Boss
• Feature writer for and The Toronto Star
• 2 years as an agency copywriter with Deluxe Corporation
• 1.5 years as part of an enterprise-level marketing team
• Google analytics certified
• UX Writing Academy certified, Fundamentals of UX and Microcopy
Blog Post
Mobile Content
6 More


• Technology: Saas, AI, genetic testing, business IT, marketing strategies
• Health and wellness: medical clinics, PTs, Chiropractors, fitness technology, autoimmune diseases, mental health
• Law: labor trafficking, immigration, divorce, DUI
• Travel: food, local guides, sustainability, disability travel


I love yoga/Pilates, learning Korean, and walking in nature with friends.


Oral Roberts University

I also spend a summer studying at the University of Oxford.

Real Estate

500 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


500 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


500 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


500 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


50 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


50 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


25 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing SaaS copy that converts or that helps communicate a product between members and stakeholders.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


25 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


25 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


20 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


20 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


15 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing


5 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results, and can conduct keyword research on client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing

Blog Post

1,500 Projects Completed

Price range depends on SEO/UX tools, SEO keyword research, and Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing

Web Page

500 Projects Completed

Sarah has a wealth of experience writing copy that converts. She uses SEO/UX tools to optimize for search results and can conduct keyword research on the client's behalf if needed.

Content price increases if it includes:
SEO keyword research
SEO/UX tool optimization
Technical writing

Mobile Content

5 Projects Completed

Sarah has certifications from UX Writer's Hub and UX Writing Academy for writing microcopy, user experience writing, chatbots, and mobile apps.

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