Katie S
Writer #23123
Joined 9/29/2017
5 Star Rating
100% Success
1 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
With a Ph.D. in history and experience as a tenured professor, Katie is adept at sifting through large amounts of data, zeroing in on what is important, and translating that core message into an easy-to-understand format. Her background in creative writing means that she focuses on finding the story in every piece of writing, helping the reader to relate to the core message.

Prior to her academic career, Katie worked as an assistant editor at Current Biography, writing and editing profiles of people in the news. While there, she also took work as a freelance writer, producing book reviews and chapters of elementary-school grammar books.

Katie’s writing has appeared in both scholarly academic journals and mainstream media, such as The Atlantic.


Subjects that light her fire are education, history, politics, the military, reading and books (all genres and age levels), feminism, and parenting.


When not reading and writing, Katie keeps busy hiking with her dogs and chasing her three children.


Hamilton College

As an undergraduate, Katie took full advantage of a Liberal Arts college, exploring higher math, science, literature, and history. She spent her junior year abroad in Cambridge England, living all things medieval.

Fordham University

Katie earned her master's degree at Fordham thanks to the support of the prestigious Loyola Fellowship, which awards full funding for an incoming student.

University of California Santa Barbara

For her doctorate degree, Katie researched medieval women, elite social groups, and the military. She rounded out her education with a field examining the inter-cultural relationships between medieval Christians and Muslims.


1 Projects Completed

As a former tenured professor of history, Katie brings more than fifteen years of experience in higher education. Her knowledge of how the system works from both the faculty and administrative side as well as that of the student experience grounds her writing on the subject. She can provide an insider's knowledge and a deep interest in your needs in this area.


0 Projects Completed

The world today can seem overwhelming, with rapid economic upheavals, inter-cultural conflicts, and political discord. As a trained political historian and an avid politics junkie, Katie enjoys writing about the events and trends that impact our lives. Her writing on the 2016 presidential election appeared in The Atlantic, and she has been invited to give talks about gender, peace, and war at institutions such as Duke University, UCLA, and UC Santa Barbara.


0 Projects Completed

Katie’s research into the political, military, and economic situations of historical women finds a parallel in the lived experiences of women today. From the growth of misogyny during the middle ages to the breaking waves of modern-day feminisms, Katie digs into what is happening today and why. She has written about women for popular media outlets like The Atlantic and academic journals as well as given numerous talks at conferences across the country and in Europe.


0 Projects Completed

As a former history professor, Katie has written and received funding for many grant and fellowship proposals at the institutional, regional, and national level. She has also served on internal grant-funding committees for her former university, evaluating proposals and writing feedback to help applicants strengthen their case. Katie is particularly skilled at ensuring that your proposal is tailored to the granting-institution’s specific agenda.

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