Beth has written content for multiple local businesses about a wide variety of subjects. Specialties include but are not limited to:
- Digital Marketing and SEO
- Horseback riding and the equine industry
- Animals, Pets
- Social issues
- Health and Beauty
- Copy for multiple small business' web pages
- Local events
- Macro and micro economic topics
- Copyediting
Beth is an avid equestrian and will talk the ear off anyone foolish enough to get her started about the horses. She also attempts to write, run, dance and read with some measure of regularity.
The benefit of a college education isn't so necessary for learning a craft as it is for challenging ideas and broadening one's mind. Beth enjoyed the process immensely.
Working for most nonprofits requires an ability to be flexible and quick on one's feet. Beth was fortunate to work for two separate organizations, both of which gave her invaluable experience and education on how to do just that. Not only did she gain experience honing her craft as a writer, she also learned how to use that skill to successfully call her readers to action.
Beth interned with a small SEO firm, where she learned the foundation for designing content with search engines in mind. She took this experience with her into her next role at a local nonprofit, where she developed and executed their first SEO strategy. This included website analytics, social media campaigns, and a more strategic approach to their overall online content management. She later moved on to an SEO firm, where she continued her education in best practices for satisfying both users as well as the search engine algorithms. Beth reviewed and developed (and often executed) actionable plans for multiple clients throughout Georgia and surrounding states.
Beth has contributed frequently to the blog, website content, and social media of local farms and riding academies. She is a paid contributor to a popular content engine designed for three day event riders and other equestrians. As a lifelong rider and a professional in the industry for over four years, it's Beth's goal to educate and inspire others to be better riders for the sake of their equine partners.
Beth is well versed in creating web page content that satisfies both client/business needs and search engine standards. Working with a local SEO agency, she has been a consultant for businesses in and around Georgia and neighboring states on best practices for creating diverse content. Good web content increases web presence and maximizes time spent on a website, ultimately increasing the likelihood of positive user interaction.
Beth has written a number of articles for well established websites like SEMRush, Cardinal Web Solutions, Meet Justice, Innocence Atlanta, and Meet Justice Medical. She enjoys the challenge of adjusting her prose for each audience, but remains committed to producing material that compels her readers, whether through entertainment or education.
She has been a regular contributor of blog articles to several small businesses, both as a ghost writer to promote consumer awareness and using her own voice about topics she's passionate about. She earned the attention of a well known national equine publishing group based on the personal anecdotes she has posted on her own blog.
As the assistant trainer and farm manager of a busy lesson facility, Beth wrote much of the email copy that was directed to a client base of over 250 riders. These emails were often the only means of letting clients know about upcoming events and sales that funded the farm. Beth is skilled at creating compelling calls to action through G-Mail.
Beth also crafted complex and engaging Constant Contact marketing campaigns for an international economic association, where she handled the design, wording and schedule for calls to papers, conference details, and more.