Fiction: novels, short stories, and screenplays
Nonfiction: books, articles, instructional material
Marketing: copywriting
Science fiction and fantasy (and all speculative genres)
All kinds of fiction (except erotica)
Adult and YA fiction
Nonfiction of all kinds: History, parenting, leadership, entertainment/movies/gaming, biography, philosophy/theology, self-improvement, science/technology, sports, business/finance, Christian living
In high school, Jeff had excelled in the performing arts, so he entered college to study theatre. It became clear that, while he was a very good actor, so was everyone else he was competing against. Plus, Trinity was an extremely expensive private school. After two years, Jeff decided to transfer to a state school and pursue a different but related course of study.
Jeff transferred to UT Austin and entered the film school. There, he channeled his love of theatrical storytelling into writing and producing and editing films.
Jeff combined his love of storytelling with a love of biblical learning. With his seminary education under his belt, he turned to writing Christian-themed fiction, which led to his first publishing contracts, which led to his career as a professional writer, editor, and publisher.
The "other" here refers to all kinds of fiction and screenplay writing. Jeff is an acknowledged world expert on how to write great fiction, and he has proved it in his many novels, novellas, short stories, flash fiction pieces, and screenplays.
Jeff's teaching on how to write great fiction has been published in five books for Writer's Digest Books, the industry leader in how to write.
If Jeff can personally understand something, he can successfully teach it to someone else. His nonfiction is marked by an astounding clarity, whether he's speaking about neurochemistry or how to paint a tree. His own love of science and technology, especially space exploration, causes him to devour articles and books on the subject. He is an ideal writer for explaining complex science to the layman.
Jeff is a multi-published author of book-length manuscripts, both fiction and nonfiction. He has written most of them alone, but he has also co-written and ghostwritten several as well, both fiction and nonfiction.
Jeff has written catalogue, advertisement, and back cover copy for decades. He can make pretty much anything seem like something you'd better buy.
Before Jeff made a career writing books, he wrote scores of articles for magazines, newspapers, blogs, etc. He continues to do this kind of writing today.