Perry B
Writer #22001
Joined 7/15/2017
5 Star Rating
14 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Perry has worked as a freelance writer in the US and in Europe; he has worked for such diverse organizations as magazines, text book publishers, record companies, blogging, sales and promotion work, and also written book, and theater, music, and film reviews. His writing is fluid, concise, understandable, and adaptable. His work can be found in 35 anthologies and critical studies, as well as in the 19 books he has published through independent presses.
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Music, art, food, fashion, theater, movies, personality profiles, sales and promotion work in the motion picture, fashion, beauty, sports and fitness, and other service industries; writing about health, fitness (especially for an older audience), relationships (having written 2 nonfiction books about this, including one that was an Amazon bestseller), and well being.


Music, art, cooking, fitness, urban life, relationships, science, and well being.


New York University, School of Education

His degree, a BS, Magna cum Laude, in the Science of Education with a minor in Art, has very helpful in fulfilling his needs as a writer versed in overcoming the difficulties of communication with a diversity of people.


4 Projects Completed

He completed a series of 4 articles on the problems of gay men with prostate cancer. The lead piece in this series was later reprinted by Routledge Press for a text book aimed at professionals working with this population.

Blog Post

10 Projects Completed

Perry has worked extensively with the Huffington Post, Wordpress, and other blogs. He has written extensively about books, fashion, politics, health, economics, and other subjects.

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