Media, beauty, real estate, content marketing.
Media, makeup, fashion, beauty trends, research, marketing trends.
Rachel values her education very highly, as it was the place where she truly learned the value of the written word and its power to influence readers. She brings this understanding to the work she does for clients. Words have power. Are you utilizing yours to their full extent?
While Rachel primarily writes real estate copy, she also writes content for realtor websites. In particular, she likes to write up pieces for first-time home-owners.
When writing in the real estate industry, Rachel researches popular topics of interest to first-time home buyers to be sure that she can use keywords to get her content in front of her target audience.
Rachel has recently grown interested in content marketing, and by association, the marketing field in general. She loves researching new trends in marketing and writing up thoughtful and unique pieces.
Rachel co-produces a blog and podcast in her free time in which she analyzes and discusses media that is typically dismissed as "not good enough" for critical analysis or thoughtful discussion. Topics include genre fiction (such as romance or science fiction), B-Movies, and TV shows that don't get considered for Emmy Nominations, like reality TV and animated series.
Rachel loves to provide in-depth reviews and thoughtful analyses on media from various platforms and genres. She doesn't write simplistic lists, shallow opinion pieces or mindless fluff about whatever is popular. Rachel's content is thoughtful, smart and investigative, even when the subject matter she's writing about might not be considered "high art."
Rachel has written press releases for a local magazine, as well as a local newspaper. She enjoys interviewing subjects and writing up concise, informative pieces that intrigue readers and spark interest in whatever event she is promoting.
Rachel has written several blog posts incorporating SEO on subjects ranging from coffee to essential oils. She has written for clients hoping to promote mental health programs for children, as well as those selling physical products. When writing content for company blogs, Rachel is always sure to follow the style guides provided, and write in a casual, user-friendly manner without sacrificing quality.