Stacy A. has writing expertise in art, sustainable living, product descriptions and reviews, home and do it yourself projects, legal writing, food writing, instructional writing and training manuals, SEO, web content, blog writing and creative writing. Her wide and varied perspectives can focus on any aspect of a topic that the client requests. Her favorite topics include cooking, music, art, psychology, technology, human resources, real estate, mental health, children and family, design, fashion, fitness and beauty.
World travel, Art, Sustainable (Green) Living, Reading, Psychology, Politics, World Affairs, Current Events, Law, Nutrition, Cooking, Music, Women's Issues, Aging, Beauty, Relationships and many other.
Stacy completed a BA in Liberal Studies from Marylhurst University in Oregon, with concentrations in Clinical Psychology and Creative Writing. She graduated with honors.
Stacy holds a Masters of Science in Psychology with a concentration in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. SNHU's program educated Stacy about how to apply psychological principles to improve individual performance within a organization or business. This specialized training taught all facets of business development functions and areas that promote business effectiveness. The program merged psychology courses with core business courses to provide a focused business degree with tremendous versatility.
This author has been hired previously by physicians and medical organizations to research and write articles about plastic surgery and other surgical procedures from the layperson's perspective. She recently traveled to Mexico to conduct research about medical tourism. While there, she witnessed several cosmetic surgery procedures and took copious notes that are currently being transcribed for an international fashion magazine.
The author has been guest blogger on a number of online blogs that feature articles about kids and family.
This author has experience working for an entertainment law firm. It was her job, at the time, to market up and coming musicians, writers, actors and others in the entertainment industry by writing biographical and promotional materials that would accompany the entertainer's press releases and other promo packages that were presented to major record labels, directors, publishers, producers and others who were instrumental in furthering the entertainers' careers. The writer was in charge of the law firm's weekly blog and other written publications that pertained to the entertainment industry, including reviews.
The author has extensive experience as a craft teacher, student, writer and demonstrator. She has worked for art schools, teaching various mosaic art techniques as well as mixed media art techniques. She has contributed to magazines and books and has ghostwritten a number of books for artists, and has also compiled lists of craft supplies. The author has compiled entire craft kits that have been sold as "do it yourself" endeavors, and has experience writing art supply catalog descriptions.
This author specializes in writing articles about vegan and vegetarian diets and nutrition. She is a 40+ year vegetarian and has many associations with vegetarian societies across America. This author has written about many areas of nutrition, both in terms of reduction dieting and in terms of general health.
This writer has much experience in the restaurant industry, both as a cook and as a manager. She has written restaurant reviews for many different publications and is the author of a vegan food blog. Additionally, she is currently in the process of writing a cookbook that converts meat-based meals into vegetarian meals.
This author is a world traveler who currently writes 30 travel articles a week on a regular basis. Her last trip was to Mexico where she conducted research on medical tourism for a major magazine. She has traveled extensively in Europe and across Asia, Australia, Canada and the United States, sampling different cultures and cuisines. She is highly qualified with over 20 years of writing experience and would love to write any travel articles that you may require.
This author has ghostwritten hundreds of articles that pertain to women health, rights, lifestyles, music, motherhood,et al.
This author composed an entire series of articles for a spiritual organization in Australia. She has worked as a regular ghost writer for a spiritual publication in the United States and has written more than 14 full-length articles that were published over the last year. She has more than 20 years of experience as a writer and would love to handle any writing projects that you might have on the subject of spirituality.
This author has experience writing for 14 different clients in the Green Living category She has written articles about everything from converting algae to fuel to ways in which to re-purpose garbage into art. The author's own lifestyle has imparted invaluable knowledge of the subject which is one that she feels passionate about.
In her two years of graduate-level research experience pertaining to all-natural cosmetics, Stacy A. was responsible for testing and writing product reviews and, as requested by the Pangea Organics and Aveda Cosmetic companies.
Stacy has also written on popular contemporary beauty topics such as Botox Cosmetic, hair products, microdermabrasion and cosmetic surgery.
Stacy was instrumental in the research and writing of, "A Survivor's Guide to College Writing," by Dr. John E. Freed of the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. She was additionally instrumental in writing an ad campaign for a major university in Southern California and wrote catalog descriptions for an entire section of the university's English and Creative Writing classes. She currently holds a writing position with a university in Russia and writes projects on an "as needed" basis.
Stacy has worked as a guest blogger for many online blogs including those that focus on travel, restaurant reviews, psychology, law, art, family issues, dating, women's issues and others. She has more than 20 years experience as a professional writer and has written regular blog entries for SEO projects.
Author has written many different articles for a wide variety of clients and publications. Specialty areas include education, nutrition, vegetarianism, healthy lifestyles, travel writing, restaurant reviews and other topics as required by a broad, international client base. Author has been on retainer with a leading European university for more than 4 years, providing articles about a variety of topics pertaining to early childhood education. Author has been hired by various government agencies in a number of different countries to write about tourist attractions and other types of travel writing.
The author has extensive experience in the entertainment industry where she put together promotional packages that helped market up and coming entertainment acts to the record and movie industries. Types of information written by the author included artist biographies, press releases, record jacket descriptions, lists, tour dates, artist descriptions for websites, brochures and concert materials.
Author worked as assistant writer to a renowned college professor in Houston, Texas, and was assigned many speech writing duties for the entire adult education department. Speeches ranged from topical subjects that had to do with distance learning, adult education and other related issues, as well as motivational speeches that were geared toward encouraging students to go into academic vocations. The author also wrote speeches for the psychology department that primarily dealt with the subject of childhood development. Much of her speech writing was used for college professors that were teaching classes on the various topics being written about.