Languages, Games, Science, Business, and Fitness.
Languages, Games, Physics, Business, Investing, and Traveling.
A degree in Computer Security and Information Assurance with a concentration in Information Warfare and a minor in the Chinese Language. The skills acquired related to all aspects of security with a focus on computer security. Knowledge gained included networking, database creation and management, programming, corporate security policy, and penetration testing. Advanced level of knowledge of Chinese was achieved with the ability to read and converse in the language.
A program of study focused on business Chinese and the local Guilin dialect with heavy cultural immersion.
Undergraduate level physics with research in theoretical cosmology and high energy physics experiments.
Jeffrey has played and written descriptions for over 50 video games. These descriptions gave an overview of the games describing aspects of the gameplay, the story, tidbits about the history of the game, and the similarity to other games in the series. The descriptions were unbiased and were readily accepted by the requester. He has also written news and reports regarding video game companies and characteristics that make them unique.
Jeffrey has taken a variety of science classes throughout his university career, with a focus in physics. He has researched and written about a variety of physics topics including areas of cosmology, such as black holes and inflation, and high energy physics. His work and educational background allow him to write not just about physics, but about other sciences such as chemistry and biology. Jeffrey writes not just for the academic, but for the average person as well, allowing for a variety in audience.
Jeffrey has a private Twitter account under a pseudonym that gets a significant amount of views. Jeffrey can easily condense messages into short bites for Twitter, ensuring hashtags and references are employed so that tweets to get maximum coverage. He tends to write batches of tweets with a similar theme at once that are suitable for tweeting throughout the day.
Jeffrey has written blog posts on various subjects from science to travel. He has an informative style that tries to appeal to a broad range of readers, but not to the sacrifice of the facts. Jeffrey tends to write shorter blog posts, often no more than a page, so that readers do not get burdened with all of the information.
Jeffrey has been writing articles on numerous different subjects since he was a teenager working for a life-saving product company. He has written articles on businesses from many different markets, articles profiling local celebrities, articles on new institutions, and popular science articles on topics from particle detectors to dark energy. The articles he writes are researched thoroughly or draw from his varied life experiences.