Carrie enjoys, and has extensive real-world experience, writing web content of all types, articles with natural-sounding SEO, blogs, reports, promotional, marketing and sales materials, reviews, how-to articles, tip sheets, advertising, product descriptions and new site content (about us pages, products and services pages, FAQs and more.)
Carrie enjoys film, music, literature, dancing and playing basketball (badly) for fun.
I also have an Associate's degree in Graphic Design from Platt College.
Graphic design, web content and creating an addictive user/customer experience
Carrie served as communications manager for a national health care non-profit, where she was responsible for writing website content about women's health, fundraising newsletters, clinic brochures and informational pieces about medical procedures. She has also written medical career guides, medical test explanations and medical condition descriptions. Projects included web content to educate the general public, gain support from government legislators and recruit volunteers as well as raise funds for non-profit health care.
Carrie has also written articles and blogs on detox diets, fat loss, healthy eating, vitamins and supplements, etc. for well-respected sites such as: Livestrong.com and AOL.com Health.
Carrie has written on how to take care of your pet bird (kids audience), how to start a pet-sitting business, teaching a puppy not to bite (AOL.com) and other pet how-to articles on eHow. Carrie's a real cat person, but loves all animals. See a sample below or contact Carrie to request a more specific sample.
Carrie writes for environmental and healthcare non-profits, including Matthew Modine's bicycleforaday.org non-profit. Since site was originally written, client has changed some text which now has some incorrect grammar. The Press page has not been altered and is still a good example.
Carrie has also served as communications manager for a national health care non-profit writing website content, newsletters, brochures and informational pieces. She has also written medical career guides, medical test and medical condition explanations. Projects included web content to educate the general public, government legislators and volunteers as well as raise funds for health non-profits.
Carrie has worked in the marketing field for many years for industry giant Warner Bros. and pioneering online city guide Citysearch.com as well as many small business clients. She stays current with the latest SEO key word strategies, which change often. Carrie has written tip sheets on how to handle SEO for small businesses, the dangers of keyword stuffing and more. When writing anything for the web, she's able to include SEO elements while still sounding natural so that readers will find value in the text.
Carrie writes career outlooks and overviews for AOL.com, tips for advancing your career, emotional intelligence in the workplace, what you should never say on your resume, how to use social media to build your personal brand, how to survive layoffs - and many other related subjects. Please see a sample below.
Carrie has worked as a marketing manager for Warner Bros. Records and the Film/TV division. She has also written articles on how to market your small business, promotional t-shirt sales pitches, web content and much more for many small business websites. Carrie always pays attention to the latest SEO requirements and best practices to ensure the content is found by lots of search engine users (and the right users). See a sample below!
Carrie has written extensively on fashion, style and clothing, including creative product descriptions with SEO for e-commerce, catalogs and online stores. She's published reviews of jeans, designer profiles, what's hot in your city, trends, fashion reviews, fashion trend articles, how-to articles plus many more topics. See sample below!
Carrie has written extensively on "green" subjects. She wrote the entire web content for Matthew Modine's environmental non-profit bicycleforaday.org. Carrie also writes articles and blogs on topics such as solar panels - are they worth the cost?, bicycling to reduce your carbon footprint and more. See a sample below!
Carrie has written for AOL Travel and other websites about subjects like best places to go for happy hour in Los Angeles, best BBQ in Austin, comparison of cruises/ cruise lines to the Caribbean, travel insurance, passport requirements and more. Carrie was selected as part of an elite group of writers to write travel how-to articles for eHow. She's also written on the more soulful side of travel and its value to help a person learn and be more creative. Carrie is adept at adjusting the tone of the piece to fit your needs: factual, evocative, luxury, adventure travel or other styles. See sample!
Carrie has written medical career guides for AOL.com, medical test and medical condition explanations, health articles, dental blogs and more. As Communications Manager for a national healthcare non-profit and created informational web content and marketing brochures about the best hospital for certain types of surgery and more. See a sample below!
Carrie has written hundreds of blogs for heating and air conditioning contractors across the country who don't have time to write or feel that writing is not their best talent. She has even written video scripts for them to use when making entertaining and informative videos for YouTube and for their own company websites.
Carrie has published many diverse DIY and How-to projects like how to make a cloche hat, a bird house, a duct tape dress, various costumes for Halloween for the eHow.com website and more. She has earned a 4.7 writer rating (5 is the highest possible rating) from the editors of the site.
Carrie has written articles for kids and about children for AOL and eHow.com. Subjects include: how to take care of your pet, how to brush your teeth, types of music lessons best for kids and more. Carrie is skilled at writing for specific grade levels or age levels to ensure understanding. To ensure reader comprehension, she uses specialized tools to verify the reading level of her articles before supplying them to the client. Writing for kids of various ages or writing about kids (parenting, education) is no problem. See a sample below!
Carrie has written articles and blogs on detox diets, fat loss, healthy eating, vitamins and supplements, etc. for well-respected sites such as: LiveStrong and DailyGlow. She's also written on related subjects like health, medicine, nutrition and more, keeping key words and SEO in mind.
Carrie has written for many hardware, home improvement and DIY do it yourself how-to websites. She's handled everything from comparisons of screen doors, how to install a basic door alarm, how to purchase an angle grinder and more. She's written about and for the HVAC industry, including the importance of sizing and choosing equipment of the proper capacity, options in geothermal installations, both ground and water source, solar energy options and how to determine the solar potential of your home, etc. See a sample here below.
Carrie has written for Match.com on dating/ relationship advice, best places for a first date, and more. She also wrote some of the early FAQ for the website as well as advertising and press releases. Carrie has written articles and blog posts covering what to wear on a first date, places to go depending on your dating personality, dating after divorce and other topics.
Carrie has written dating advice for Match.com, plus stress-management articles and tips for staying positive and prioritizing your self-development in a complex world. Other articles have included green tea benefits and other alternative medicine and herbal web content. Carrie's also written book reviews, blog content with SEO in mind and more. Request a sample for your project!
Carrie writes real estate content, such as descriptions of property and homes, articles on how to market your business to new homeowners, newsletters and advice on different types of new roofing choices for homes and much more. She's also written about related subjects like the recent mortgage and foreclosure crisis and market effects - and more!
Carrie is an an experienced education writer with several years of experience creating web content with natural-sounding SEO. She's written on elementary and special education for children and teens.
She's also done significant research on various university masters programs, Ph.D requirements, application guidelines for grants and scholarships, how to choose the right college, online degrees and more.
Carrie has also written about classroom furniture and setting up a successful learning environment for NovaDesk and many other clients. See a published sample below on educating children with special needs. Also included is a sample on engineering education at the university level.
Carrie has written articles and blogs on many green energy subjects and green lifestyle articles including topics like solar panels, "green" cleaning products and much more. She's also written web content for environmental non-profits such as Matthew Modine's bicycleforaday.org. Since site was originally written, client has changed some text which now has some incorrect grammar. The Press page has not been altered and is still a good example. Or click the sample link below for a product sales page for "bio-glass" for GoGranite's website.
Carrie's 10 year career in music and film marketing (working for Warner Bros.) has included writing bios, advertising copy, web content, ghost-writing blogs, corporate blogging, social media messages and much more. Carrie is adept at choosing and incorporating key words as necessary and keeps current with the ever-changing SEO best practices. See below for samples!
Carrie has a 10-year career in music marketing (Warner Bros.) writing bios, advertising copy, web content, 'music education for kids' brochures and more. Her work can be seen (or read) on the official websites of musicians like Idina Menzel, Micheal Buble, Eric Clapton's official online fan club ECaccess.cc and many more. See a sample below!
Carrie has written on all types of health insurance and issues - new insurance changes and legislation, auto, home and renter's insurance, life insurance issues, self-employed person's business liability and HSAs, errors and omissions insurance, worker's compensation, comparisons of US insurance to coverage available in Europe and more. See a sample below.
Carrie has written previews of upcoming new model cars, tire performance comparisons, auto insurance articles, articles about donating your vehicle to charity, copy for auto dealer websites and more. Carrie is experienced at including appropriate key words in addition to those requested by the client. This ensures that a variety of search engine users can find the article or blog on the client website, leading to more traffic for the site. You can read her article on Ford Fairlane Interior Options on eHow. See samples link below.
Carrie has written dating advice, postpartum depression articles, blogs on detox diets, fat loss, healthy eating, vitamins and supplements, etc. for well-respected Internet sites across the web. She's also written comparisons of women's studies programs at various universities and much more. She worked as Communications Manager for a women's health and education non-profit for two years, writing doctor-reviewed website content, lobby brochures for patients and much more.
Carrie worked in banking for 2 years, learning all the functions of a typical branch including cross-selling, loan facilitation and internal audits. She has written articles on the recent banking/ mortgage scandal, credit card rates and perks comparisons, marketing for financial products and institutions and more. See a sample below.
Carrie has written career advice and office dynamics articles on how to handle office politics, getting along with your pod-mate, getting used to suddenly not having an office, and other related subjects. She's also written related topics like how use social media to further your career, how to build your personal brand and how to deal with layoffs as the employer or employee. See a sample below!
Carrie has written extensively on vitamin supplements, healthy eating, detox diets, fat loss, plus product reviews and informational pieces as well as the latest nutrition news and discoveries. She's also written product descriptions for e-commerce and catalogs, press releases and more. Carrie struggles to eat nutritiously but sometimes falls off the wagon.
Many of Carrie's clients request a humorous or light touch or a witty style. She's happy to oblige and has written many irreverent "deal" emails in the style of Groupon. She's written various levels of humor from subtle puns and play-on-words to complete irreverence to non sequitur humor. See a sample below!
Carrie worked in banking for 2 years, learning all the functions of a typical branch including cross-selling, loan facilitation and internal audits. She has written articles on the recent banking/ mortgage scandal, credit card rates and perks comparisons, marketing for financial institutions and more.
Carrie is experienced at including appropriate key words in addition to those requested by the client. This ensures that a variety of search engine users can find the article or blog on the client website, leading to more traffic for the site. See a sample below.
Carrie has been hired to impersonate all types of business experts and owners online. She's ghost-written hundreds of blogs for business people who just don't have the time or perhaps feel that writing and sometimes-tedious SEO rules are not their strong suit. They'd rather be out making sales or running their businesses! Carrie loves to step in and learn about these businesses. She writes to consumer audiences (BtoC) as well as BtoB (business to business) copy.
Carrie loves to research and write in-depth articles - she's written hundreds on behalf of clients (ghostwriting under their names) or been commissioned to write for large well-known websites under her own name, such as AOL Travel and Careers, eHow and many more.
Carrie has written lots of e-commerce copy for clothing and rock-band merchandise while she worked at Warner Bros. for 10 years, for example. At Citysearch.com, she wrote descriptions of local businesses, product descriptions and reviews for 4 years while running the web design and quality assurance departments.
Carrie writes content for new websites, including About Us pages, Description of product or services, FAQs and more. She has a background in marketing and often writes special landing pages for retail promotions and sales.
Carrie has most recently written video scripts for Paitson Bros., (heating and air conditioning contractors) and many other small and large businesses clients alike. She's also created concepts for rock band videos and consulted on scenic design.
Scripts can be done as dialogue only or in a 2-column style, including action and scene descriptions/settings separate from scripted dialogue.
Carrie has written executive speeches for VPs, CEOs, COOs, entertainers and more at Citysearch.com and Warner Bros. Often these are award acceptance speeches, speeches on business issues for the Chamber of Commerce or introductions of entertainers or explanations of new policies being announced to company employees and more.