Health & natural healing
Green living, products, & services
Family and children
Off-grid homesteading
Women's issues
Fiber crafts
Julie earned a full merit based academic scholarship and excelled especially in Literature and Writing courses. She completed two full time internships-- in Professional Writing and in Teaching English as a Second Language. Julie was later hired by the educational institution at which she interned as a writer.
Julie has been living green on an off-grid homestead with a microscopic carbon footprint for nearly a decade. She has the real world knowledge and experience to breathe life into green living copy. Julie has lived and written about every aspect of living green from water provision and food storage to trash handling and home lighting.
Julie has studied nutritional science and trends for over twenty years. She is adept at relating new information and popular dietary tendencies with both established medical fact and cutting edge discoveries. Julie is recognized in her community as an authority on nutritional healing; she consults and writes articles extensively in this field.
Julie has a lifelong love for and involvement in small scale agriculture. Her family roots include commercial dairy farming as well as every possible combination of livestock in backyard farming. She currently operates a one woman farm with sheep, dairy cows, turkeys, ducks, chickens, an orchard, a nut grove, a berry patch, and a garden the size of a field.
Julie will craft blog posts to your specifications, including adapting your desired templates to your other specifications. She has extensive skill and experience maximizing your target keywords in keeping with the natural flow of the post as a whole. Connecting your online content with your prospective clients is her highest priority.
Julie has published numerous articles for over twenty years on widely varied topics. This experience provides the familiarity and expertise to present your information both to your target publisher and to your target reader in a winning and effective style. She is adept at marrying the most pertinent information to the tone and presentation that most appeals to your readers.
Julie has years of experience in sales and in client satisfaction. Appealing to your target clients' unique attributes is her long-researched specialty. She will provide advertising copy that reflects attention to detail in addition to consistent results. Julie knows how to tell the story of your product or service in a way that will turn prospective buyers into dedicated customers.