Blog posts, articles, reports, personal narratives, informal essays, and letters.
Life and Business Coaching, Relationships and Dating Issues, Reading (Fiction and Non-Fiction), Graphic Design, Web Design, Crafts, Eco/Natural Living, Real Food Cooking, Holistic Health, Yoga and Meditation, Life Hacking/Productivity, Mind Hacking/Personal Development, Deal Hacking/Bargain Shopping
Shoshana's work as a life coach led to a number of writing assignments for coaches, consultants and ghostwriting for personal development blogs. Most of the articles were based on personal development topics such as: time management, productivity, goal setting, organization, minimizing and self-confidence. These articles were written for specific clients and tailored to fit the niche or market segment that they served.
Shoshana raised three children of her own (they are all adults now), she has also had custody of three other children for a number of years. Her experiences as a parent, led her to writing articles related to parenting, homeschooling and family activities.
Shoshana turned to green living when she developed a sensitivity to certain products and foods. In her search for the reason she was unable to eat a cucumber or walk down the detergent aisle, Shoshana discovered a vast amount of information about the chemicals and toxins that we live with every day.
She created a blog for green living, which she eventually sold. During that time she met others in the green living niche and did some ghostwriting on this topic. She also published articles on this topic on various article sites.
Shoshana became a certified life coach in 2009, she specialized in dating and relationship coaching for women. In order to promote her new business she started a blog and used content marketing strategies. After leaving the coaching business she continued to blog on her site and began ghostwriting for other coaches in the dating and relationship niche.
Shoshana has written hundreds of blog posts on various topics, although most were in the dating, relationship and personal development niche. The blog posts were mainly first-person conversational pieces which served to build a relationship with the reader. Most of the blog posts were under 300 words. Each blog post was written with a different voice so that it was tailored to both the reader and the blog owner.
Shoshana has written hundreds of articles on various topics. The articles have ranged from 400 word SEO articles to 2200 word feature articles for websites. With each article Shoshana made sure that the piece was well researched and contained content that provided information to the reader and helped the article buyer meet their goals for the piece.