Service professionals, Therapists, Coaches, Mind/Body practitioners, Doctors.
Health and Wellness, Psychology, Personal Growth, Entrepreneurship, Business, Nature.
Theresa H. was a dance major who also studied art and printmaking throughout college. Although all of her studies were within the school of fine arts, at the time, the school did not have a duel degree, BFA, so she created a BGS.
Theresa received her graduate degree in dance/movement therapy with a 4.0 GPA and internships in NYC and NJ. She went on to work in inner city hospitals of NY and teach at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY.
Theresa studied with AWAI in order to better understand persuasive copywriting and what inspired people to action.
Theresa has been working in the field of mental health for 25 years. She has written her own blogs and papers, as well as, invitation descriptions for Dr. Christiane Northrup. She loves to research science, health and well-being, especially how it relates to people and their relationship to each other.
Theresa has been studying nutrition for the past 8 years as a WellPro coach. She writes for Dr. Christiane Northrup's telegathering series on health and well-being through nutrition. She is especially interested in the effects of nutrition on mental wellbeing and the role sugar plays in SAD (Standard American Diet).
Theresa was an RDI (Relationship Development Intervention) Consultant as part of her private psychotherapy practice, a program that guided parents and children to understand the power of nonverbal communication. As a psychotherapist, her work with clients centered around relationships of all kinds, especially the relationship one had with them self.
Theresa has been designing and creating her own websites and web copy for the past 6 years. She is comfortable with technology and enjoys designing attractive sites. She is self-taught and is always looking to learn more. She describes her persuasive copy as covert persuasion through story telling.