Anthony M
Writer #19868
Joined 3/3/2017
4 Star Rating
99% Success
27 Projects
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0 Elite Skills
Dr. Anthony M. has worked in both the legal and health professions. He is trained to provide rehabilitation to the hearing impaired as an Audiologist, has published in numerous scientific journals, was a professor in both health care and law. He has made numerous presentations in scientific journals.
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Audiologist. ear anatomist. science, academic and creative writer.


Professional photographer, writer (plays, poetry, songs, essays) vocalist


Michigan State University School of Law

Study of all areas of law.

University of Michigan

Study of the imperical meaurements of communication from speech perception to auditory analysis from the brain's point of view.

California State University at Sacramento

Study of communication ability.


27 Projects Completed

Dr. Anthony M. has specialized in handicap law which is consistent with his participation in the profession of Audiology. He has an particular interest in international law, politics and social commentary.

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0 Projects Completed

Dr. Anthony M. is trained as an Audiologist. An Audiologist provides hearing evaluations for both medical and rehabilitative purposes. The audiological data gathered for his treating patients in a medical environments is critical for the physician to determine the best treatment of the ears which may include surgery. Other than medical intervention, the only rehabilitative treatment available is the fitting of hearing aids. Hearing aids are fitted to the hearing loss of a patient in the same manner as glasses, which are fitted for the degree of vision impairment.

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