Jessica B
Writer #19644
Joined 2/15/2017
3 Star Rating
170 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Jessica has 17 years of experience in human resources working as a corporate recruiting manager in the healthcare and transportation industries. As a freelance writer, she specializes in human resources, recruiting, healthcare, marketing,sales, transportation and technology.
Blog Post


Human Resources, Recruiting, Transportation, Healthcare, Technology, Marketing, Sales


Career Management, Recruiting, Human Resources, Nutrition/Health, Parenting


University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Jessica holds a bachelor of arts degree in organizational and mass communications from the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay.


70 Projects Completed

Jessica has 17 years of experience in human resources, working as a corporate recruiting manager in both the transportation and healthcare industries.

Blog Post

100 Projects Completed

Jessica is the author of the blog Mrs. Jones Could Use a Beer. She also blogs for The Huffington Post and has been published on other notable blogs such as Scary Mommy and BlogHer. Additionally, she blogs for many of her freelance clients.

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