Presenting challenging material in an accessible way
Audience awareness
Mental health, physical health, politics, history, games, literature, technology
Adam took classes in English literature and creative writing. He graduated cum laude with a 3.9 GPA in his major.
While at the University of Massachusetts, Adam produced a manuscript of short fiction, many of which have been published, and worked on a literary magazine. He graduated with a GPA of 4.0.
At UNH, Adam is studying writing instruction. He also writes for the University of New Hampshire Health Services website, and he has worked extensively with business writing in his capacity as Director of Writing at UNH's Peter T. Paul of Business and Economics.
Adam worked with academics in psychology, sociology, philosophy, business, theology, and history to produce analyses of important works in Western intellectual history. His role was to rewrite complex, wordy academic prose so that first-year college students found it accessible. This involved communicating with the academics to understand what they meant, doing additional research to add information that had been left out, and writing some sections from scratch.
In this position, Adam created content for the University of New Hampshire Health Services website. This role requires the ability to research and to write in ways that engage college students. Topics include mental and physical health, New England tourism, and community engagement. He authored 3 of the top 5 posts (by page views) in 2014-2015.
Adam has experience creating presentations for academic, general, and business audiences. I'm proficient with PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Prezi. Comfortable creating presentations that persuade, inform, or present a new product/idea to your audience. Am practiced at creating clear, attractive visuals using text, images, and graphs, and especially good at incorporating research so that it is accessible to your audience.
Adam has written informative pieces for websites, book reviews, and academic articles. He is a talented and persistent researcher, and he enjoyed taking complicated topics and creating accessible, engaging articles for a general audience. He has written about both mental and physical health, books, education, and technology.
Adam has written and curated content for a pre-college summer program blog whose purpose was to show parents what their kids were doing in seminars and on outings. His responsibilities were to take or gather photographs, write content, and to verify that each student was featured a roughly equivalent number of times over the course of the program. In all, he authored more than 100 blog posts.