Gary has extensive expertise in many forms of technical, managerial, and informal writing and research. He can create briefings, background papers, memoranda, specifications, analyses, plans, guidance, theses, training material, test reports and many other types of documents.
His technical expertise includes electrical engineering, physics, electro-optics, communications, computers, software, modeling and simulation, space and missile technologies, cyberspace operations, and network defense.
When not working, Gary’s primary form of recreation is hiking and backpacking. He also enjoys blogging about his treks as well as posting his outdoor photography.
He spends a great deal of his spare time with computers, networks, servers, and coding software. He developed an iOS (Apple iPhone) application to use on his backpacking trips, and created a small web site to advertise his app. In addition to creating his own app, he developed a cyberspace training app for the Air Force’s transition from Blackberries to iPhones.
His thirst for new science and technology made his work for the Air Force and the defense community a true pleasure. He looks forward to the challenges of new technical areas and tasks, increasing his knowledge and understanding, and creating documents that address the objectives and goals of his clients and employers.
Gary completed the honors physics curriculum at Purdue University in 1978. He spent his freshman year in physics at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology before transferring to Purdue.
After Gary's first year in law school, he began working in a patent law office researching and drafting patents. Before returning for his second year, he joined the Air Force, went through Officer Training School, and then was assigned to get his B.S. in electrical engineering at Louisiana Tech University. He never returned to finish a law degree.
The Air Force recruited new engineers in 1981 by offering a second bachelors degree in electrical engineering. Gary's studies included the required and elective courses not completed for his first bachelor's degree in physics at Purdue.
Gary's masters degree focused on pattern recognition with a minor in controls. His thesis used neural networks to accomplish speech recognition.
Gary's doctoral program included studies in physics, math and electrical engineering. His dissertation evaluated the the performance of a nonlinear, electro-optic crystal by creating and refining a physics-based simulation of the device.
Gary has delivered written products in a wide variety of technology areas for over 35 years (see his experience summary). However, most of those products were classified, for official use only, or proprietary. Additionally, government regulations required deleting government work product on personal devices upon termination of employment. Hence, Gary retains few samples of the many products he created over the years.
Gary has written numerous statements of work, proposals, and a variety of contract documents. He has also run source selections (for government contracts), performed on source selection boards as a technical representative, and drafted source selection guidance and documentation. As with most of his other government and defense contractor work, much of that is classified, sensitive or proprietary.