Articles, blog posts, descriptions, lists, press releases, recaps, summaries, reviews, comments, marketing and web content.
Health, business, medical, food, news, lifestyle, cooking, fitness, internet, technology, media, beauty, fashion, and shopping.
Valerie earned her certificate in Medical Assistance in 2014 after studying anatomy & physiology, healthcare acts, and back and front room assistance practices for medical offices.
At the Community College of Aurora, Valerie took courses in English, Biology and Psychology in order to receive a general post-high school education.
At the American Academy of Professional Coders, Valerie received a certificate that announced her ability to code and understand various areas within the healthcare field. As a result, she has become more informed when writing in the health and fitness industries.
Having studied medical assistance and coding in her postsecondary education, Valerie has extra insight and knowledge when it comes to the healthcare field. She has taken courses in anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, healthcare laws and more. She can write confidently about health, medicine, and fitness.
With an education in medical coding, terminology, anatomy, physiology, and assistance, Valerie is able to write accurately and confidently about healthcare and medicine. All health and medical articles will be well researched and factual.
In the world of entrepreneurship, brands need to be able to represent themselves through quality written content. A business writer should be able to keep up with all the latest news and trends within the field, as well as inform entrepreneurs on how to launch a successful startup. Valerie has written content that discusses marketing strategies, business plans, and innovative approaches for new enterprises.
When she isn't fulfilling orders for clients, Valerie is often looking up new recipes to try out. She has a strong passion for food, cooking, baking, recipes, diet, and nutrition. As a result of visiting hundreds of food and recipe websites, she has developed a strong sense of what the food industry expects when it comes to written content.
The importance of drawing in website visitors is not lost on web writers. It's not just a matter of incorporating SEO keywords on the web page. Web copy needs to present information in short, easy-to-read formats.
In order to sell something successfully, a product description must express the most enticing aspects of a service or product. Valerie knows how to imagine the seller's audience, create a list of the product's features, and present the product's benefits in a persuasive manner.