Richie S
Writer #1810
Joined 10/25/2010
5 Star Rating
100% Success
2,004 Projects
0 Endorsements
5 Elite Skills
Richie has produced quality content for over 20 years. His work has appeared in magazines as well as online. His high quality published writing has varied from lifestyle and travel, to music and sports, to medical and current events, including interviews and reviews as well as SEO web content.

In addition to three online columns for music and news, Richie also produces content for two blogs and has maintained a professional website for over 12 years. He has written two books. 'Echoes of the Root' is a Southern Fiction Thriller, and 'Maddie and Mook' is a children's middle grade novel.

Richie's 20 year background in radiological sciences and health care lends insight and professionalism to medical writing. He has provided freelance writing services including articles, web content (SEO), ghost writing, creative writing, creative non fiction, press releases, editing and rewriting.
Blog Post
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Richie's high quality content is SEO rich, but holds the readers attention and informs. His print and online content ranges from informative to humorous and encompasses press releases, short stories, long fiction, creative nonfiction, ghostwriting, and freelance writing in general. His goal is to see both his Southern Fiction thriller as well as his childrens book published and to continue producing online content and write several more books.


Richie has a strong background and interest in sports including baseball and NASCAR. His has a love for a variety music and has been involved in bands and writing music. His love of the coastal regions and beaches resonates in the books he has written.



Richie holds a BS in Allied Health Sciences (Radiography) and has been Licensed a by the ARRt in Radiography and Computed Tomography since 1997.


439 Projects Completed

Richie's experience in health care spans over twenty years and includes sales in the pharmaceutical industry as well as practical experience as a healthcare provider with a license in radiography and Computed Tomography He also employs his experience in practice management. He has produced in depth content on all aspects of the health care industry.


231 Projects Completed

Richie has produced several pieces for Super Bowl winning Coach Joe Gibbs web site and in addition has been a featured sports contributor on Yahoo! Sports with articles ranging from baseball to auto racing to sports bars. He was recognized as a top 500 writer for March and April of 2011 and was a top 1000 writer for all of 2011.


209 Projects Completed

Richie's experience in health care spans over twenty years and includes sales in the pharmaceutical industry as well as practical experience as a healthcare provider with a license in radiography and Computed Tomography while he has also gained experience in practice management. He has produced in depth content on all aspects of the health care industry.


94 Projects Completed

Richie has produced entertainment content for several online content providers as well as regional and entertainment magazines. He has produced articles ranging from concert and CD reviews to in depth artist interviews as well as worked with publicists to gain inside access to artists and music events.


81 Projects Completed

Richie has produced entertainment content for several online content providers as well as regional and entertainment magazines. He has produced articles ranging from concert and CD reviews to in depth artist interviews as well as worked with publicists to gain inside access to artists and music events.


35 Projects Completed

Richie's has employed his experience in website management and social media to boost his career aspirations as a writer and has produced content for several content providers, including the Writer's Access Blog, to instruct and inform others on the pathways he has used beneficially in his career.


14 Projects Completed

Richie has employed his experience in website management and social media to boost his career aspirations as a writer and has produced content for several content providers, including the Writer's Access Blog to instruct and inform others on the pathways he has used beneficially in his career. He has been involved in the publishing process for 15 years and has written about the process of querying and marketing writing to agents and publishers.


6 Projects Completed

Richie has pulled from his own personal experiences to write articles dealing with relationship issues that encompass adopting an older child as well as working with DSS and independent adoptions agencies throughout the adoption process. He has been an outspoken advocate for changing the foster care system, taking his concerns to local politicians as well as the Governor of his home state and producing articles detailing the his experience and the experiences of others in the process.

Blog Post

583 Projects Completed

Over the last twenty years Richie has maintained a variety of online columns and blogs. His work has encompassed the country music industry, NASCAR, Formula One, IndyCar as well as baseball and golf. In addition, he has produced blog content specifically aimed at writers that offers advice and pointers in navigating the publishing industry.


308 Projects Completed

Richie has been producing entertaining and informative content for online and print media for twenty years. His articles have ranged from entertainment to health care to sports and everything in between. His work has been featured in the Writers Access Blog and can be found on many leading websites.


4 Projects Completed

Richie has written two books. He has two others currently in progress, and numerous outlines for the future. He has attended conferences on writing books for children and adults for the last ten years and has been lucky enough to have a former editor for Dr Seuss books inquire about his children's book for their literary agency.

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