Julie is a professional freelance writer presently residing in Worcester, MA. She had other related career experiences before settling into freelance writing.
Certificates in tax preparation, accounting and bookkeeping give strong background to writings in the field of personal finance such as credit, debt, loans, money, budgets, personal finance, taxes, mortgages, bankruptcy, loan modifications and foreclosure.
The learning experience is an enjoyable piece of the writing process. Read byline articles at veteranjournal.com. Some writing specialities include:article writing, ghostwriting, essay, product reviews, web content writing, blog writing, armchair travel writing, short reports and eBooks (max 30-35 pages) as well as writing new PLR pieces.
Published articles cover global warming, climate change, greening the planet, carbon footprints, recycling, renewable energy, indoor and container gardening and greenhouse gases.
Julie's special interests involve:
**Personal Finance (personal income tax issues, loans, mortgages, equity, credit, debt, saving money, budgets, retirement basics and others)
**United States: veteran services, memorials, biographies, historical milestones)
**Supernatural (occult, astrology, zodiac, tarot, numerology, psychic, haunted houses, clairvoyance and others)
**Travel (United States and Canada: retirement, budget, destinations, historical travel (especially in and around New England) and senior trips/dining/accommodations.
**Weather (climate change, meteorology, doppler radar, hurricanes, tornados, tsunami, cyclone, desert areas, extreme/famous U S weather events, firestorms and economic impacts)
Julie also writes for a cause: multiple sclerosis. It is the reason she is home-bound and disabled. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) supports active and on-going research and development programs and new research for a cure. Please support the NMSS when the opportunity presents itself.
Major #1 included such topics as Children's Literature, Logic of Lesson Planning, Subject Units, Teaching of Math, Science, Geography, History Reading, Art and Music as well as a full semester of student teaching.
Major #2 included such topics as Dewey Decimal System, Preparing a Card Catalog, Processing Incoming Materials, Budget for New Materials and a Practicum.
Course of study included Curriculum Development, Studio Architectural Planning and Development, Reporting Events - Verbal and Written Communications, Pre-Event Research and Transcription of Taped Interviews, Meetings or Conference Proceedings.
personal finance, household budget, spending, saving, online banking, personal loans, student loans, car loans, needs v. wants, IRA v. 401k, retirement planning
Tax preparation, tax forms, tax law, tax issues, intangible income, cancellation of debt, credit gone bad - to name only a few
building a concrete house, shrinking the McMansion, pod homes, bare necessities, solar, wind and geothermal power and heat
Cities of Washington State, Venues of Rhode Island, Tourist Attractions of Boston, MA, State of Grenada: Spice of the Caribbean (co-author of eBook), Pittsburgh, St Louis, Niagra, Rickwood Caverns
The major articles of the portal www.rhody.com were written by this writer. She is a true armchair traveler who has co-authored an eBook titled "State of Grenada: Spice of the Caribbean" and ghostwritten a number of articles about State and National Parks in the USA.
The following is an example of one of the following: short-short, review, comparative, by-line, feature, ghost writing, web content
The following is an example of a voluntary posting for other writers who visit my blog