Jessica S
Writer #17519
Joined 9/2/2016
4 Star Rating
100% Success
15,254 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Jessica started freelance writing 2009 after working as a medical editor and federal grant preparation assistant, and training in linguistics, audiology, stage acting, and voice acting. The topics she's written about have ranged from gardening, home improvement, art, and languages to alternative health, fad diets, medical conditions, and franchising. She has a B.A. in linguistics and an M.A. in communication sciences and disorders (concentrating in audiology), and she's studied everything from animation and audio editing to astronomy and California anthropology. She has often written under a pseudonym.
White Paper
Blog Post


Medical conditions and procedures, health promotion, asthma treatments, how to cope with asthma, allergies, dental procedures, oral hygiene, science, astronomy, audiology, linguistics, languages, acoustics, voice acting, home recording, speech pathology, speech and hearing science, soundproofing, food, diet, nutrition, nutrition facts, meal planning, alternative health, do supplements work, home and garden, flowers, landscaping, botany, plants, decorating, using feng shui, home improvement, simple home repairs, HVAC, heating, air conditioning, plumbing, environment, recycling, RVs, road trips, martial arts equipment, martial arts styles, self-defense, metaphysical, interpreting tarot cards, different types of astrology, how to interpret horoscopes, spirituality, religion, legal, business law, family law, criminal law


Hong Kong films, languages, drawing, cartooning, animation, road videography


University of California, San Diego

Received a BA in Linguistics and completed a minor in Theater at the University of California, San Diego (John Muir College).

The University of Texas at Austin

Completed an MA in Communication Sciences and Disorders (audiology track) from the University of Texas at Austin. The particular program track focused on audiology but included speech pathology and speech and hearing science coursework.

University of California, San Diego Extended Studies and Public Programs

Completed the Specialized Certificate in Copyediting from UCSD's Extension program.


1,288 Projects Completed

Jessica has extensive experience ghostwriting articles about medical conditions; alternative health topics such as acupressure; allied health topics like audiology; nutrition subjects like fad diets and whether they work, supplements and interactions, vitamin deficiencies, and calorie intake; dental topics including veneers, foods that stain teeth, implants, dentures, tooth jewels, and tooth tattoos -- those are real; and more. She was also a medical copy editor for many years, so she's well aware of how careful one has to be about which sources are used and when to decide there are enough studies to make a claim. Please note that the work she's done in these industries is either ghostwritten or written using a pseudonym.


1,038 Projects Completed

Jessica has steadily increased her involvement in legal writing over the past few years both here and at other content sites. Topics have included personal injury, worker's compensation, responding before a statute of limitations runs out, criminal law, family law, divorce, what to do about bullying, child custody, questions about prenuptial agreements, whether to arrange for a postnuptial agreement, and more. She also ghostwrote several legal blogs for law firm websites and has created slide decks and a short white paper as well.


1,027 Projects Completed

Jessica spent quite a few years writing about gardening, plants, fruit trees, composting, flower bed design, espaliered fruit trees, how to keep flowers alive longer, and other garden-related topics. She continued working with this industry as a ghostwriter for other content sites, often concentrating on tree health. This is one of her favorite topics and is grateful she has been able to learn more and more about taking care of gardens properly. Please note that the sample used here was written using a pseudonym.


212 Projects Completed

Jessica is a ghostwriter for a trivia website, producing several pieces on historical events. Topics have included everything from the American Revolution and the sinking of the Titanic to lighter fare such as the meeting between Richard Nixon and Elvis. She's an expert on finding reliable sources including local historical societies, which often have a few tidbits of information that aren't widely reported.


30 Projects Completed

Jessica has written about sports rules, sports history, martial art moves, and even topics as specific as using krav maga handwraps. She strives to include a lot of detail in this area so the reader is not left with vague information that doesn't help them. Please note the sample for this topic was written using a pseudonym.

Blog Post

6,602 Projects Completed

Jessica has extensive experience writing on pretty much every subject from hunting deer and promoting apartment complexes, to tree trimming and agricultural grain silo safety, to the legal difference between an accessory and an accomplice. (She also notes she could probably out-talk a dentist about dentures vs. implants at this point.) These projects have been managed through other content sites and were usually ghostwritten.


5,055 Projects Completed

Jessica got her start as a freelance writer by writing articles for another content site. As with her blog posts, she's written on everything from different grape varieties, to how to write in German using the new language rules established several years ago, to origami, to debunking fad diet claims. She says her favorite article was on how to fight like Jackie Chan -- she doesn't get a chance to write about that every day!

White Paper

1 Projects Completed

Jessica ghostedited/revised a white paper on liability, intentional torts, and negligence. She has extensive blog-writing experience in these topics and was able to edit and revise a customer's existing white paper to make it more state-specific. Jessica is able to interpret laws and explain concepts in-depth, providing clear explanations of complicated legal issues.


1 Projects Completed

Jessica recently ghostwrote a short ebook about business franchising and what to consider when evaluating and buying a franchise, as well as whether a franchise would be a solid investment given the profits one could expect to see. This project was completed through another content site and was written under a pseudonym.

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