Mary specializes in articles pertaining to spiritualism and Wicca/Witchcraft and especially in regards to Christian Wicca/Witchcraft.
Mary LIVES on her computer and writes as much as she can and whenever she can.
She also enjoys watching old TV shows from the 50s all the way up to the 90s.
Graduated from Raceland High School 1980.
Received Certificate of Food Management.
Mary has written articles on any and all kinds of electronics be it TVs to stereos to computers of all kinds and types.
How to articles have been written on how to setup and install TVs and stereos and how to install an OS on just about any type of computer out there.
Mary is an expert on articles pertaining to spiritualism and in particular Wicca and Christian Wicca/Witchcraft, as being a High Priestess/Bishop of COCM has helped tremendously in this endeavor.
Many on Wicca and Wiccan paths as well as Christian paths.
Articles on the blending of both paths which are concerned with helping the two ancient religions to 'cope' with one another and the 'get along' with each other.
Christian Wicca/Witchcraft has been around for some time and there are many websites as well as forums on this very sacred topic.
Mary has written articles on how and where to apply for jobs that can easily turn into careers.
Articles have appeared that are written on how to prepare for an interview as well as how to get "up the ladder" on your way to your perfect career.
Mary has done articles on various women's topics ranging from lifestyle and health issues to spiritual and inner beauty issues.
How to articles on how to apply makeup, hair styling products along with ways to eat healthier and to enjoy a day by ones' self. Exercising also is included.
Including articles on finances and how to save money with couponing as well as tips and tricks on getting the most for your money.
Mary has written on many and varied articles on the banking arena for about three years now.
Articles have ranged from how to open up a savings and checking accounts to how to bolster your monies by way of CDs and IRAs.
How to articles have ranged from step-by-step articles on opening up accounts at both a regular bank to a credit union.
Has written articles on health, and in particularly alternative health in such areas aromatherapy as well as massage.
Articles are written strictly on the homeopathic emphasis and that essential oils and herbs play an important role in such articles.
Other articles have to do with women's health in particularly the arena of skin and body health.
Mary has done articles galore when it comes to software and especially operating systems such as Windows, all the varieties as well as the latest Android mobile platforms.
How-to articles have been written in regards to how to install and operate the systems and to get the full impact and benefits from each one.
Articles on step-by-step usage of said articles are a particular specialty.
Have written articles on hardware on just about any and all computers, but, especially the PC and Windows operating systems.
Can do articles on how to install hardware for both the desktop PC and the laptop PC.
Can also do articles on mobile hardware and the Android OS for same mobile devices.
Mary has written articles on gardening in the way of porch and city-swelling gardens.
How to articles on how to setup a container gardens as well as Topsy-turvy gardens.
Have also posted articles on how to take care of the same gardens from how to set them up and how to take them down come Fall.
Mary can write on just about anything and in just about any format, her primary is straight article writing but poetry and blogging/social writing is an asset of hers as well.