Fiction, legal, humor, research, creative, product reviews, fashion, food and travel reviews, blog content, articles, music and book reviews
Fashion, food, books, movies, design, socio-political topics, music
Patricia's specialization was criminal and public interest law.
Patricia has been a licensed attorney since 2010. During her career, she has drafted many contracts, motions, and other legal documents. This sample is a Motion to Dismiss a Waiver application in Juvenile Criminal Court of Burlington County, NJ. It has been redacted to protect the juvenile.
Patricia has been writing blog posts, including humorous ones, for just under a year. In this sample, she gives her opinion on an aspect of social media and her experiences with it while using humor.
Patricia has traveled many places and has often written about her experiences. In this sample, she describes three family-friendly activities a tourist in NYC should do.
Patricia has been writing articles for several years. The article in this sample is about a trending and controversial topic. She explains her opinion on this topic as well as gives background on why it is controversial.
In this blog post, Patricia describes her love for words, especially in written form, and how they have helped shape her into the person she is today. She has been writing for her blog for just under a year and has contributed to other websites.