Transportation, Technology, Travel, Advocacy
Food, Music, Arts, Culture, Science
Andrew focused on Latin America and how politics, economy and culture come together to influence world events. Also, how US citizens can impact American foreign policy, as well as how travel and culture can help engage citizens to work towards improving international relations.
The author freelances for a research and advocacy organization in Arlington, Virginia, that focuses on transportation demand management. Through interviews, research and events coverage, the author draws attention to innovations in the transportation world, especially around technology, in order to engage the public in the rapidly changing transportation world. In addition, the author has created a feature series for which he develops content on unique transportation issues across the US and how they can inform other communities across the country.
While living in Santiago, Chile, the author contributed to the city's most widely read English language magazine, directed toward helping expats integrate into Chilean culture. Since then, work has been published in travel magazines and newspaper travel sections.
As an intern for a human rights advocacy group, the author researched a variety of topics related to United States foreign policy towards Latin America. A major part of the group's work is to research a diverse set of issues and present articles with actionable suggestions for the public and for elected officials in order to promote a better human rights environment.
The author freelances for a research and advocacy organization in Arlington, Virginia, that focuses on transportation demand management. Through interviews, research and events coverage, the author draws attention to innovations in the transportation world, especially around technology, in order to engage the public in the rapidly changing transportation world. In addition, the author has created a feature series for which he develops content on unique transportation issues across the US and how they can inform other communities across the country.
The author freelances for a research and advocacy organization in Arlington, Virginia, that focuses on transportation demand management. Through interviews, research and events coverage, the author draws attention to innovations in the transportation world, especially around technology, in order to engage the public in the rapidly changing transportation world. In addition, the author has created a feature series for which he develops content on unique transportation issues across the US and how they can inform other communities across the country.