Mike B
Writer #16313
Joined 6/28/2016
3 Star Rating
40 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Mike has been writing off and on for over 20 years. He has written screenplays, short stories, and informative articles. When he isn't actively seeking acting roles, he is found at his computer working on a short story, or a script.


Acting, theater, writing,


Mike is interested in learning. He reads on theater, film, and television. He is knowledgeable on film, set procedure, and theatrical production.


20 Projects Completed

Mike has acted in several films, and has done background work on television. He has also appeared in theatrical productions. He has coached high school theater students on dialects, and performance. He has written several screenplays, and is currently working on writing a pilot script for a television series. He has written articles on acting, writing, as well as reviews for various film schools.


20 Projects Completed

Mike has written articles, and reviews of entertainment companies, and schools, as well as acted in theater,film, and television.

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