Jessica's major focus is in legal topics because she is a licensed, practicing attorney. She also has a B.A. in finance and experience with business topics as well. Jessica also has writing experience in various niche topics such as dentistry, home improvement, pond maintenance, real estate, and many, many more.
Law, professional and personal development, entrepreneurship, finance, tax, and home improvement
Jessica received a 4.0 GPA while attending Iowa Central Community College. She was also an active participant in Business Professionals of America. She competed at the national level in the areas of prepared speech, small business team (business plan preparation), and word processing. She was also a Secretary on the State Officer Team.
Jessica was a double major, double minor at UNI. Her minors were Psychology and Politics and Law. She worked with student government, was the President of the Golden Key Honour Society, and the Co-President of Students Against a Violent Enviornment (SAVE).
The University of Iowa College of Law was ranked number 26 in the Nation according to U.S. News and World report when Jessica attended.
Jessica focused her studies on business-related legal topics, including bankruptcy and tax. Jessica took part in volunteer legal products and tax preparation volunteer work while attending the University of Iowa College of Law.
Jessica is a licensed attorney who practices in the areas of workers' compensation, bankruptcy, and general litigation. She has also written commercial blogs for attorneys and law firms since 2011.
Jessica has experience writing about tax credits, deductions, etc. She has also worked as a volunteer tax preparer with VITA for several years. Jessica also worked under a tax attorney for one tax season and continues to do tax preparation each tax season for the last several years.
Jessica has experience creating property descriptions, press releases, and blogs relating to real estate sales.
Jessica has ghostwritten a number of business-related blogs. She enjoys self-improvement, management, and professional development topics in particular. Jessica has a finance background as well, which makes for great business-related content.
Jessica writes in the areas of dental and medical information, specifically related to general information on health and wellness.
Jessica has written about insurance benefits, picking the right policies, etc. Most insurance pieces she has done in the past are related to health insurance, life insurance, and auto insurance.
Jessica has provided work on general technology information, including using the right apps for projects for specific industries.
Jessica specializes in the areas of personal finance and "light" investing.
Jessica has experience with self improvement specifically related to small business and entrepreneurship. Productivity and leadership areas are special interests for her.
Jessica has written generally about online marketing, SEO, etc.
She has written about general career advice, trends, and education and training relating to career development.
Jessica has a B.A. in Finance and writes on personal finance related subjects including credit repair and tax information. She enjoys explaining these often complex subjects in a way that the average reader can understand.
Jessica has experience with home living topics that range from decorating to DIY projects. She can creatively mix professional tone with easy-to-read content.
Jessica has have some limited experience writing about pets. However, she has two dogs herself and really enjoys writing about pets.
Jessica started her freelancing career by doing legal blogs for local attorneys. She expanded to nation-wide service in 2014. She also expanded her blogs to other subjects and niches as well, including blogs for dentists, pool and pond maintenance, medical facilities, insurance companies, credit repair services, and tax information, just to name a few. She has excellent research skills that come in handy when writing about new subject areas or topics.
Jessica is an experienced article writer who offers clients a straight-forward yet professional tone. Many of her clients who request articles are focused on business or legal topics.
Jessica understands the importance of having concise, relevant information on every page of your website. She has been creating web content since 2014 and has written hundreds of pages for a variety of clients.
Jessica has experience writing press releases for businesses and publishing companies. Her news-like writing style works well for press release content.