Writing Poetry - Writing Fiction - Writing Non-Fiction - Writing Short Stories - Novel Writing - Poetry/Fiction Reviews - Beginning Writing - How to Write Essays - Grammar - Shakespeare - Medieval History - Contemporary Literature - Myths and Legends - Gods and Goddesses - Greece, Rome, and the Mediterranean
Schools and Colleges - Academic Life - Life Off/On Campus - Advice for Dating - Alcohol and Drugs - Teenage Advice - Techniques of Happiness - Psychology - Stars, Planets, and Galaxies - Organizational Techniques - Productivity Techniques - Self-help
Music - Marching Band - Drum Corps - Learning Percussion - Learning Guitar - Songwriting - Photography - Camera Techniques - Videography - Video Editing
Inspiring others - Living a creative life - Musical Performance - Helping others through what he loves - Contemplating life through essay writing - All forms of creative writing - Making others happy
Brent is currently a senior English major who is excited to make his way into the professional realm of writing.
From Brent's portfolio is a literary journalism piece entitled "The Nature of Things". Brent explores the outdoors with the added perspective of nature therapist Darlene Rollins, owner of Fredericksburg, Virginia's Earthwalk Ways. Through thorough research both online and on-site, the piece combats skeptics while also providing examples of Darlene's unconventional career.
From experience and hours of research Brent composed this article about the influence that practiced gratitude can have on an individual's happiness. A conversational tone was implemented to make the reader feel at ease, and a hint of persuasion was included to sell the concept with the goal of helping as many individuals as possible.