Business-related and environmental writing that involves research and/or analysis.
Making the complex into the understandable.
Jeff generally accepts any writing assignment but the following is a list of areas of personal interest:
Business/International Business
Earth Sciences: Environment/Forestry/Oceanography/Astronomy/Geography
Film Analysis
Technical Writing
Travel/Travel Writing
US Territories
US West
Jeff earned a BA in English from Florida International University. He majored in English not only because of an appreciation for world literature but mainly because of the writing, analyzing and critical thinking involved with this field. Jeff graduated cum laude.
Noteworthy Courses:
Chicano/a Literature
Contemporary Literature
Japanese Literature
Latino/a Literature
Modern British Literature
Modern English Grammar
Medieval Literature
Queer Theory and Literature
Technical Reporting
College Algebra and Trigonometry
Critical Thinking and Ethics
Psychology I, II
In an academic setting pertaining to Jeff's environmental courses, he was required to research and write papers relating to climate change, environmental ethics, environmental policy, green agriculture and green living. Although this work was done in an academic setting, the research and time committed to these projects was significant and the writing was of high quality.
In an academic setting, Jeff was required to write and present many papers and projects. The majority of these presentations were a part of Jeff's environmental courses, including a fifteen minute presentation on the restoration of the California Condor. In a professional setting at Macy's, Jeff was regularly required to address staffing and inventory in written communications with other management executives and the buying office. The majority of these communications were required to be both professional and technical in manner.