Story Development, Screenwriting, Visual Storytelling, Speeches, Web Casting
Music, Musical Theater, Film Production, Record Production
In 1978 Alan, attended what was then "Memphis State University," on a music scholarship. His initial course of study was music education and film. MSU however, didn't offer the degree program he wanted at the time. He was already working as a recording engineer, so he left school to pursue his career. In the early 90's a Bachelor of Music in Commercial Music was finally made available at Memphis State. By that time Alan, unfortunately, had relocated to Nashville, TN. With the help of the Dean, Alan was able to re-enter school at Middle Tennessee State – transferring his remaining credits to the newly named University of Memphis. He graduated in 1996 – with a Bachelor of Music/Commercial Music.
For more than thirty years, Alan has written and produced countless shows and scripts for entertainment projects, corporate theater, theme parks, musicals and more. Alan specializes in allegorical tales that engage the heart, and educate the mind.
While someone else wrote the actual speech entitled “Picture It,” Alan developed the closing story, an allegory of the most famous picture of all time.
This piece played out on stage as a documentary film – in front of a giant screen – narrated “live” by the speaker. It even had a musical underscore helping the finale reach the soaring heights of the "Earth Rising" image itself.
The genesis of “Family Business” came out of a meeting with the Garden Inn executive committee. Someone mentioned that current hotel lingo included the term “sleeping around,” which applied to guests who stayed at other hotel brands. A few minutes later the idea that “Hilton treats you like family” emerged.
Alan instinctively replied, “God! I hope it’s not my family!” Which led immediately to, “Wow? How funny would it be if it were my family?!” And, with that a Telly Award winning script was born.
Alan’s unique area of expertise is connection through story development. Once a speaker has decided on a topic for a speech, Alan helps craft an engaging, entertaining, allegory to support and expand on the chosen subject. Using parallel stories from the arts, science and exploration, personal achievement, even failure - Alan can spin a moving tale that “connects” with an audience, while reinforcing and tying together, the often mundane details of business management and the bottom line.
Alan began writing the AtelierIMD blog in 2016, as a tool to help other non-profit organizations develop their own stories. “Story Is Everything” is the first in a series of posts centered on story development and technique. Atelier is part of the non- profit American Entertainment Works founded in 2013.