James B
Writer #15408
Joined 5/6/2016
5 Star Rating
100% Success
2,920 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
James B is an Ivy League-educated serial entrepreneur who has started and run businesses for the past 17+ years. In that time, he has financed and developed a multitude of real-estate projects, raised capital and started 5 different companies. He is currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer of a publicly-traded company that focuses on lead generation and online marketing for major insurance carriers. His true business acumen lies in corporate operations and online marketing, which has been his specific focus for the past 6 years. He has written his own blog about business and marketing tips and has been published in major marketing publications.
Newsletter Content
Blog Post
Press Release
Real Estate


Business, Online-Marketing, Sports and Real Estate.


In addition to his practical business and marketing knowledge, James B loves playing and watching sports. In high school he was a dual-sport varsity athlete where he was named to Florida's All-State Team in Volleyball. He is an avid sports fan, enjoys playing darts and poker. James B enjoys international travel and makes annual snowboarding trips throughout the Continental United States and Europe.


Cornell University

James B started entered Cornell University studying to be an architect, but quickly realized that his true passion lied in business. The university's School of Hotel Administration served as the best college to focus on general business study with specific applications of the hotel and restaurant field. During his time at Cornell, James B played Club Volleyball, served as the Inter-Fraternity Council President and in 1999 was named to Cornell University's "Top 25 Most Influential People".


415 Projects Completed

James B has been a business executive with a focus on marketing for the past 6 years. In addition to having hundreds of marketing articles published, he currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of a publicly-traded online marketing company. He has a utilized methods such as: Online Media-Buying, Search Pay-Per-Click, Advertising Networks, Search Engine Optimization and Email Marketing to increase revenues for Fortune 500 companies. He is particularly passionate about writing how online marketing can help small business grow exponentially.

Real Estate

323 Projects Completed

Coming out of college, James B started his 17+ year career by becoming a licensed mortgage broker. He financed hundreds of homes before turning his sights to the development and financing of commercial land properties. Between his involvement in and writing about hundreds of real estate transactions, James B is able to clearly transpose his real estate experience to writing. He understands the different aspects of real estate transactions and this proves to be very valuable for readers.


245 Projects Completed

James B has been a serial entrepreneur for the past 17+ years and has written a multitude of white papers, blog entries and has been published in business journals. Having served as a Director of Business Development, a Chief Operating Officer and his current role of Chief Executive Officer, he has been exposed to many business challenges and trends. He has a large knowledge of general business operations and is able to clearly express his experiences through writing.


103 Projects Completed

An avid fan of sports in general, James B was named to Florida's All-State Volleyball Team, played soccer throughout his childhood and adult life and many other sports and games. He is very knowledgeable in professional and college sports and is able to offer insightful, unique points of view through his writing. In addition to participating in sports, James B has been playing fantasy baseball, football and basketball since 1998.

Blog Post

1,212 Projects Completed

James B has written over a thousand blog posts ranging in topics from small business start-ups to real estate trends. His vast business experience is transposed in a lucid manner to the reader as he is able to take complex concepts and simplify them to an uninformed reader. The unique mix of writing style and experience translates into very compelling, SEO-optimized writing for blogs.

Press Release

287 Projects Completed

Working at the Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Executive Officer for a publicly-traded company, James B has written and dispersed a tremendous amount of press releases informing current shareholders, investment institutions and potential investors aware of material changes in the company. He is able to take the current operations of a company and clearly disclose them into a press release.


222 Projects Completed

James B has written hundreds of articles which included SEO-Optimized content on a number of topics. In addition to guest-writing on many sites, his articles have been published in different industry publications including Ad Age and Biz Journals. His clear, concise writing style allows for an easy, informative read. His knowledge and research on subject matter adds a tremendous amount of value to the reader of his content.

Newsletter Content

113 Projects Completed

James B has written a number of newsletters on a variety of topics. He is able to create compelling titles and content to insure readers have a high click-through rate, thus allowing the producer of the newsletter an effective advertising conversion. James B is able to utilize his extensive business and personal experiences to create extremely interesting content which subscribers will consistently look forward to reading.

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