Nicholas O
Writer #15343
Joined 5/3/2016
4 Star Rating
100% Success
166 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Nicholas Olson is an Associate Editor at Cease, Cows and has work published or forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, Hobart, Literary Orphans, decomP, Cease, Cows, Corium, Thrice Fiction, Eunoia Review, Apocrypha and Abstractions, Oblong, Foliate Oak, Every Day Fiction, The Open End, and Flash Fiction Magazine.
Web Page


fiction, writing, creativity, proofreading, editing


positive life changes, fitness, writing,


Columbia College Chicago

Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL. B.A. in Cinema Art+Science, GPA 3.9. Focus: Screenwriting. May 2014.


• Recipient of $6,000 yearly scholarship for a feature screenplay.
• Triple finalist in Columbia College Chicago’s 2013 Written Image Screenwriting Competition.
• Columbia’s nominee for the 2014 Collyer Fellowship in Screenwriting, one of only a handful of students in the nation to be considered.


80 Projects Completed

Efficiently facilitated content acquisition for online literary magazine with over 10,000 subscribers. Coordinated with staff to vote on (up to) 120 story submissions a month, including those from grant winners and writers previously published in markets such as The New Yorker and Oprah Magazine.

Web Page

86 Projects Completed

Efficiently facilitated content acquisition for online literary magazine with over 10,000 subscribers. Coordinated with staff to vote on (up to) 120 story submissions a month, including those from grant winners and writers previously published in markets such as The New Yorker and Oprah Magazine.

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