Education, human resources, staffing.
Education, human resources, motivation, workforce development, fiction writing, humor
Linda Hallstrom graduated Phi Beta Kappa and cum laude from the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, SD.
Linda H. served as Community Relations Supervisor of the Sioux Falls School District for 20 years. The school district, at 25,000 students, is the largest in South Dakota. As Community Relations Supervisor, Linda created publications for the staff and the community at large. She reviewed and revised policies for approval by the school board. She presented reports to the school board and informational talks for the public. She oversaw development of the school district's first website and managed the school district's cable television programming. For the school district's 100th anniversary, she compiled and edited a history of the district.
Linda H. wrote a personal column for the Tri State Neighbor for 20+ years. She used the pen name Lynn Albright. Lynn Albright reached some 28,000 readers with stories from her life. She was frequently invited to speak to groups around the region. She published a collection of her early columns in a book entitled, "T.R., Matt, and Me" -- stories about her husband, herself, and their son, Matt.
Linda H. is currently the office manager and social media specialist for Employment Edge Staffing. As part of her job assignment, she recently wrote and received a workforce development grant from the City of Sioux Falls. Employment Edge was the only for-profit business to receive a grant. All other grants went to non-profit organizations. Linda maintains the company website, Twitter account, Facebook page, the company blog, and postings on various job boards.
Linda H. has written and received grants related to education, non-profit fundraising, and workforce development. As an employee of the Sioux Falls School District, Linda wrote, received, and managed a three-year 21st Century Grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The grant was used to provide after-school programming at two low-income middle schools.
As a board member of a local non-profit, Linda wrote and received a grant from the downtown development organization. Funds raised were used to provide books for low-income elementary students.
In her current employment, Linda wrote and received a workforce development grant from the City of Sioux Falls. The grant was used to help recently released felons find employment.
Linda H., as Community Relations Supervisor, wrote a monthly newsletter for employees of the Sioux Falls School District. Originally, a printed newsletter, the publication evolved to electronic distribution. She also wrote a monthly newsletter for parents and Sioux Falls residents. For five years, Linda and a business partner owned and operated a tutoring company. Linda wrote the weekly newsletter for tutoring staff.
Linda H. maintains an individual blog titled "State of Change" -- reflections on growing older. She also blogs for her current employer, a locally-owned staffing agency. In addition, Linda has completed freelance blog entries for a variety of clients in areas including education, workforce development, social media, and leisure activities.