Tina Samuels specializes in blog posts, feature articles, product descriptions, and ebooks in the areas of health and business.
Reading, photography, online gaming
As a pre-med student, she started writing for health magazines and for a small health-related column in a local paper. From there, she's added to her medical knowledge through online courses and through solid research. Now, 20 years later, she has twelve doctor and chiropractor clients all relying on her for their website content and blog needs. By choosing her for your medical writing, you're getting easy to understand content about any medical topic.
She has extensive writing for women in the fields of health and wellness and in their niche of gaming. There are so many different niches of women's topics. She, however, tends not to do the ones related to pregnancy. Specialties of hers include women's chronic pain conditions and menopause. She has the most extensive background in women's health, followed by gaming, lifestyle, and then politics.
She's been published in print magazines and newspapers for her health writing. She's especially interested in diabetes articles and on autoimmune disorders. She takes on many disease- and condition- type articles, focusing on the symptoms, the diagnosis, and the treatment. She also loves to do rare conditions or ones with a genetic malfunction.
She has written three gardening books, been published in print magazines, and is a featured writer with other writing sites in the field of gardening. She's had her own column and ghost-wrote many other garden-related items. Her books are on the topic of native gardening, with another of them specializing in butterfly gardening. One was published in 2005, the other one will be published in 2013.
She has an extensive background in guide writing, tips, tricks and hints for video games as well as reviews. She has been a beta tester for many games and written tutorials for those games. Some of the articles she prefers to write in this field include Helpful Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials for a certain section of the game. Full walkthroughs she generally does not do. She also writes reviews.
Many of my articles fall into this other category, from hybrid titles like social media and food to hard to classify assignments. No matter what category of work, I do much research and make sure to give the client quality quickly that isn't copy/paste work. Whether my name is on it or not, I don't want to be associated with duplicate work. I am committed to excellence.
Tina has written on business topics such as marketing, social media, mobile payments, start-ups, and others. She has done this in press releases, articles, ebooks, and web content for the past five years. Currently, she is ghostwriting for a number of business sites and blogs and is looking forward to expanding her range of business topics to include white papers and other aspects.
She has written several hobby related articles in the field of R/C and other hobby crafts. Several of these articles have been done for local area hobbyshops and stores where they needed content. She thinks of herself as an expert in this field as she owns a hobby shop in the field of R/C vehicles and accessories. To date, she's worked in the industry three years, but been a consumer for 20 years.
She has written a cookbook and done mainly recipe or nutrition articles in this field for websites. She has enjoyed finding new recipes and writing special articles on the nutrition and food that should be eaten for certain conditions.Other food related articles she likes to do are Top Ten lists and History Of articles, especially for the holidays.
Tina has written for lawyers and law firms on a number of legal topics for use in their blogs. She temped in a law firm for a simmer as well as took paralegal courses on her way to a degree. She is great with research and fact-finding, and always sources her statistics for validity.
Over the past three years, a real focus has been placed on green living. She has written several ebooks on the topic as well as website pages on going green and how companies can implement green guidelines in their office. By keeping an eye on new technology and reading press releases from green-based companies, Ms. Samuels stays abreast of current views and products on the market today for green living.
She has over 11,000 articles written both online and off. In addition to the online portfolio, she has written articles in print magazines, newspapers, and for commercial publication. Content articles are her bread and butter business, it's what pays her mortgage.
Tina has written product descriptions for Staples, Overstock.com, Fendrihan, and many other companies. From short blurbs to 400 word descriptions, she's able to draw the reader, giving helpful information that can assist in purchasing the product at hand. Product descriptions are one of her favorite things to write.
She has published "A Georgia Native Plant Guide" by Mercer University Press in 2005 and has another book on native butterfly gardening coming out in 2013. She has four other works in progress that are going to hit the shelves at a later date.