Investing, Trading, Stock, option, risk management, data analytic
Writing, Exercise
Khondker holds a Master in Finance from Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester.
Khondker has over 5 years’ experience in US stock market as a trader and market commentators. He gained expertise in Stocks, indexes, ETF and derivative, risk management over the time. He likes to explain market and market activities from macro sense and believe that market price action is the final for all decision making.
Khondker writes research based article. Most of his articles are details and descriptive in nature and are trying to contact all level of audience using data, inorganic as well as text. Even though his articles emphasis one single theme, he also highlights other related facts so audiences do not need to read referral articles to comprehend the subject matter.
Khondkar is an expert in data analytic and love to work with data. His investment strategy is based on data driven. He back tests all his ideas before any trade and used data and chart as an essential components of his article. Without proven data based assessment, investment has the risk to fail in the long run.