Creative Reviews (Art Galleries, Fashion Shows), Event Reporting, Long-Form Journalism
Art, Fashion, Photography, Beauty, Health
Katherine Marin began her educational career at NYU at the university's campus in London, England. She spent the entirety of her Freshman abroad, enrolled in an intensive Liberal Studies curriculum. Her time in London was one of the most beneficial cultural experiences, as well as an extremely challenging educational period.
Since moving to New York in August of 2013, Katherine has adjusted her degree to focus more narrowly on her interests: Media, Culture & Communications. Her focus within the MCC program has been on Images & Screen Studies and Technology & Society, where she has explored the many facets of digital media and the ways in which they shape and are shaped by society. Katherine graduated early in December 2015.
Editor and Fashion Journalist // ODDA Magazine: Creating and editing content to be published both online and in print for ODDA Magazine. Composing and conducting interviews based in New York City, and attending Fashion Week shows to review and photograph.
Art Journalism // Musee Magazine: Writing art gallery reviews, attending openings, creating content for MuseeMagazine.com.
Articles for fashion and art publications around New York City. Articles were event related, news related, and also interview/features.