Sonya G
Writer #13999
Joined 2/27/2016
5 Star Rating
100% Success
12,585 Projects
8 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
A writer with a decade of experience writing NASCAR commentary, women's blog entries and practical communication in the business realm. Has worked in the movie theatre industry for nearly two decades, leaving the author with a unique depth of insight into the world of pop culture. Flexible and a natural explorer, every topic receives thorough research before turning the pen to paper. Short subjects are her forte.
Web Page
Blog Post
Real Estate
5 More


Short subjects, DIY, home improvement, sports, local interest stories, pets, movies


NASCAR, Historical Fiction (European settings), Recipes, Movies, Film, Music, local history of Massachusetts and coast of Maine, automobiles, history, crochet, handcrafts, DIY Home Improvement, RVing, advice columns


2,886 Projects Completed

A true car enthusiast, blogs, product reviews and commentary on everything pertaining to the auto industry are completed quickly and with a solid foundation of knowledge. Everybody loves their cars--let Sonya help you share the passion with your audience.


1,321 Projects Completed

Has been providing weekly commentary to Frontstretch, a recognized member of the NASCAR media, for the past eight years.


543 Projects Completed

Willing to expand her knowledge in just about any area, the writer is ready to assist a client in delivering content in a segment sometimes considered new and unusual. She sees research as an added boon when taking on a challenging assignment. Bring it on!

Home Living

385 Projects Completed

Taking her enjoyment of everything DIY when it comes to homes, she blends her knowledge with her informative, casual and descriptive voice to bring informative and inspiring ideas, images, produces and items to the reader.


279 Projects Completed

Protect your assets! This writer works to communicate the necessities of proper insurance in language understood by the common customer. With solid understanding of available coverage and liabilities, she will ensure patrons know where to apply for the proper insurance.


182 Projects Completed

Everyday words for everyday people. The legal industry needs to do its best to sound approachable so the widest audience possible feels obtaining assistance when needed is something they can actually do.


63 Projects Completed

Specializes in simple, straightforward explanations to draw potential customers to use your financial products. Everyone uses money, but not everyone understands how to manage it wisely. Use of informed choices are the individual's path to personal fulfillment.


29 Projects Completed

Has worked in the movie theatre industry for the past two decades. Understands trends in film releases and how the demographics of those attending are changing with the continued growth of home theatre and an increase in the Playstation world.

Real Estate

26 Projects Completed

Connect with potential clients by building a newsletter that helps them to prepare their property for sale. I also complete reviews of the best neighborhoods and trending markets in your region.


15 Projects Completed

Expert in whittling food preparation down to the essentials in steps that everybody can understand. Simple recipes written for the family on the go, always with a keen eye on time and cost.


10 Projects Completed

We all have something that we hold a deep passion for in our hearts, from classic cars to home design to a perfectly crafted pair of shoes. I love writing content that speaks to your client and invites them to interact with your page, business, or event.


2,713 Projects Completed

The author take the time to research and understand the project subject before putting pen to paper. Her authoritative style ensures readability while delivering understandable content. Topics in history, automotive, cuisine and travel are some of her favorite areas to discover more details about with each assignment.

Blog Post

1,594 Projects Completed

Experience creating content that not only draws the reader in, but will also compel the reader to click for more.


1,324 Projects Completed

She is building her portfolio, working with sports equipment and now furniture resellers. With keen attention to detail and an expansive vocabulary, she builds the story behind the unique item that compels the potential buyer to seek out more information.

Web Page

1,215 Projects Completed

Working closely with the clients, she listens to their needs and desires and crafts web content designed to drive targeted potential customers to their site. Whether the insurance, construction, or interior design industry, the same approach to careful descriptions results in a page that appeals to the client and reader alike.

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