Her specialties, which she feels would serve her well on an online writing service are typing (55 wpm), data entry (+100 kpm, proof reading (she is quick to spot errors in newspaper articles), a good eye for detail, and good organizational skills.
Her favorite pastimes are travelling--especially around her state, scenic photography of the places she travels to, Bible study, history, genealogy, cooking when she gets a chance, and games--particularly of the Trivial Pursuit variety.
Dorothy started post-secondary education at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay campus where she completed most of her general education credits. From there she transferred to the University of Wisconsin--Oshkosh to complete her education for a degree in Library Science. She obtained her B.S. degree in May of 1984 and her M.A. in 1986.
During her tenure at the office of a financial planner, she was responsible for re-organizing the files of the financial planner. The files needed to be completely gone through in order to meet the industry requirements for compliance. Once the files were organized and an audit by an industry person confirmed the files met with compliance standards, she compiled an office manual that gave instructions on how the individual files were to be organized, how the files were to be grouped in the filing cabinets, as well as other duties pertaining to the position of office manager for the financial planner.
The following is the obituary that was actually submitted to the local newspaper upon the death of Dorothy's mother.