Creative Writings, Short Stories, Editing, Educational Essays, Fiction, Poetry.
Brandy enjoys reading, A LOT! She also loves photography, art, singing, acting (film) and going to the movies. Traveling is also a love of hers and thankfully she has been able to see a lot of the world.
Brandy is currently working on her English degree so that she will be able to teach high school English.
Brandy really enjoys writing things that will uplift people, whether it be articles or short stories. Its definitely rewarding for her to have others laugh and smile because of something that she was able to put together. If needed she can easily twist some humor into any writing project.
Brandy is currently in the process of writing an Ebook. It is fiction/fantasy based. She also writes a lot of short stories, entertainment articles and poetry because writing entertainment for others is the main reason she loves to write so much.
Brandy has been through many different kinds of relationships which has given her a decent exposure and the experience needed to give relationship advice. She has discussed with others about their relationships and has mostly given written advice but she can easily write articles, blogs, short stories, etc. that has to do with relationships.
Brandy has her own freelancing website for those who need her assistance. She helps people with editing, articles, school essays/English tutoring, short stories, poetry, etc.