Copy writing, editing, certified product description copy writer, web content, web copy, web management
Fitness, reading, writing, business, photography, writing
Amy holds a Master of Arts in English. She has expertise in writing, communications, news writing, critical writing, and literary and written analysis.
Amy F is a certified general substitute teacher and long-term language arts substitute teacher for grades 7-12. She has had to create numerous on-the-fly lesson plans, and has created original lesson plans for home school students for an online publisher that define, explain, and provide guides for parent teachers to teach their students. Documents provide instruction, learning methods, techniques, questions and discussion, resources, and activities for a complete lesson.
Amy F is an expert article writer and feature writer for a wide range of lifestyle topics, including gift and shopping guides, parenting, fashion, beauty, women's skin care, men and children's clothing, handbags, home, and weddings. She takes a passionate interest in any article or feature writing project she takes on.