Public Policy & Advocacy
Analytical Writing
Real Estate
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Jordan D. is looking to expand her writing repertoire. If you have an interesting idea for an article or blog, then please feel free to message her.
Jordan D. received a well-rounded education that prepared her for the rigors of graduate school at Knox College. There she first started to develop her writing, research, and advocacy skills.
Jordan D. received her advanced degree from the fourth-ranked public policy program in the nation. She studied economics, game theory, statistics, government, and a wide variety of social issues. She learned how to boil complex sociopolitical and economic issues into two-page persuasive memos as well as thirty page in-depth analytical reports.
Since bringing her talents to Writer Access, Jordan D. has focused on Real Estate writing. She has written real estate pieces ranging from data-driven synopses of neighborhood housing markets to thoroughly researched neighborhood guides.
Jordan D. knows political writing can be tricky. It's easy to get bogged down in the political muck or just skim the top of an issue without ever drilling down to political pay dirt. That's why her articles are nuanced but reachable and keep the audience hooked no matter their politics.
Jordan D. has written several video game articles. As a lifelong gamer she relishes any opportunity she can get to write about the games and culture that she loves so much.
Jordan D. works hard for nonprofit organizations. Whether getting an organization's name out into the public's ear or ideas into a legislator's hands, Jordan D. is consistently up to the task. She understands that resources are limited and needs are great for the services nonprofits provide. That's why she her work with nonprofits is so targeted and efficient. Infographs and fact-sheets catch potential donors eyes the first time. Blog posts are leave an impression. And her cross-platform social media campaigns get the job done.
Jordan D. has worked on multiple legislative campaigns. She writes targeted articles designed to capture very specific audiences as well as more generally relatable blog pieces. Her fact sheets and infographics are changed to suit differing constituents and legislators alike. And her in-depth research reports are written to gain traction within policy expert enclaves.
Jordan D. has published many thought-provoking blog posts. From updates on advocacy campaigns to intriguing bits of weekly filler for blog-based websites, Jordan has provided employers with the internet content they need. She believes that blogs should in general be appetizers to the more main course content. Thus she often pairs blog blurbs with in-depth articles.
Twitter posts are an important part of Jordan D.'s social media campaigns. She works to tie them in with Facebook posts, blog posts, and articles to build issue recognition and support.
Jordan D. wrote many articles for various organizations. As part of her advocacy campaigns, Jordan became very well acquainted with the persuasive op-ed style. Her pieces were to the point and pointed when it was deemed necessary. The desired effect--whether just to grab attention for an issue or to persuade fence-sitters--was achieved.
Facebook posts are an important part of Jordan D.'s social media campaigns. She works to tie them in with Facebook posts, blog posts, and articles to build issue recognition and support.
Jordan D. has written a lot of newsletter pieces. She understands that audiences want to stay informed, but don't want to be bored. That's why her newsletter content is written to inform and excited readers.
Jordan D. has written several press conferences. These press conferences were part of legislative campaigns. They were also for research results. All the press conferences that she wrote press releases for were well-attended and a couple garnered national attention.
Jordan D. has written a few technical reports. Analytical and other research findings are presented in a formal, but easy to understand manner.