Carrie H
Writer #13053
Joined 1/17/2016
4 Star Rating
100% Success
6,738 Projects
4 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Carrie earned an honors scholarship when she graduated high school, but after a year of college, she decided it wasn't for her. She worked in the manufacturing industry for many years, and eventually went into food service. She learned how to work as part of a team and gained valuable customer service experience. This makes her a pleasure to work with.

She is passionate about family and natural health, and this comes through in her writing. She loves writing about parenting, relationships, and natural remedies. She also has a love for pets, spirituality, and the paranormal.

While these are her favorite topics to write about, her strong research skills allow her to write about a wide range of topics. She has a knack for writing engaging content using the perfect tone of voice for the subject matter.
Health Supplements
Product Description
Blog Post
Web Page
3 More


Carrie specializes in writing advice about the things that she is passionate about including parenting, pets, relationships, and herbal remedies. She also enjoys writing about spirituality, the paranormal, and inspirational stories.


Carrie loves outdoor activities like hiking and fishing. She enjoys reading everything from Stephen King to books on parenting. Her love to create and nurture manifests itself in many activities including cross stitch, pets and farm animals, gardening, fermenting vegetables, and cooking for her family. She is continually learning. Her favorite subjects to learn about are alternative medicine, history, animals, child development, and the paranormal.


DeKalb County High School

Carrie graduated with honors in the top ten percent of her class.


608 Projects Completed

Carrie's relationship experiences make her uniquely qualified to give advice on the subject. She survived an abusive marriage. Years after her divorce, she found and married the love of her life. She is also the one her friends come to for advice about their relationships, including questions they don't feel comfortable asking anyone else.

She draws on this range of experience to give real-world advice about what works and doesn't work in relationships. She's tackled topics including the importance of self love, how to maintain a healthy relationship, and how to find love.


306 Projects Completed

Carrie loves animals and has owned many pets. While most of her pets have been dogs and cats, she has also raised goats and chickens. She has a special love for animals that have been mistreated. This has led her to take in many animals and nurse them back to health.

She has written articles ranging from how to keep pets safe to speaking out against the mistreatment of animals. She has addressed dog behavior, health, and diet.


247 Projects Completed

Carrie has done a lot of research on alternative medicine and herbal remedies. She uses this information to keep her and her family healthy and loves sharing natural remedies with others.

Her work in this area includes articles on maintaining a healthy diet, herbal remedies, dietary supplements, sleep, and common medical conditions.


201 Projects Completed

Carrie has created numerous articles and blog posts about gardening. She has a garden of her own, so she has personal knowledge and experience.

She enjoys helping other gardeners, and providing information about common issues, including root rot and pests. She has written about vegetable gardening, indoor plants, and container gardening.


200 Projects Completed

Carrie understands the importance of nutrition. Some of her most interesting articles have been about the gut-brain connection. She has described how readers can improve both their physical and mental health by restoring gut balance. She has also written about nutritional supplements and how to maintain a healthy diet.


200 Projects Completed

Carrie has created many articles and blog pages pertaining to agriculture. She has created numerous articles about gardening, including growing vegetables and household plants. She has also created content about farming, including raising chickens and goats.

Health Supplements

100 Projects Completed

Carrie has created numerous pieces pertaining to health supplements. She's written about Omega 3's, magnesium, Vitamin D, and Ashwagandha. She researches a topic thoroughly before writing and provides authoritative links. She is talented at reading research studies, and relaying the information to the reader in a way that's easy to understand.


54 Projects Completed

Carrie has two children of her own, and they have taught her as much as she has taught them. She also helps to raise her nephews who have autism and Adhd. She has done a lot of research about children and child development in an effort to be the best parent she can be, and she enjoys passing her knowledge on to others. She frequently writes about her parenting thoughts and struggles in her blog. She's also written articles about parenting, addressing concerns including homeschooling, discipline, and child nutrition.


16 Projects Completed

Carrie enjoys writing humorous pieces about strange news stories. She has written many of these, and she uses tongue in cheek humor to make the articles interesting and shareable. She also brings a new perspective to the stories.


2,237 Projects Completed

Carrie has written many articles on a wide array of topics. These include natural health, business management, marketing and sales, relationships, pop culture, pets, and self-improvement. She begins each article with thorough research. Throughout the article, she provides valuable information and authoritative links when appropriate. She uses keywords appropriately, ensuring that the content is written for readers, while still following SEO best practices.

Web Page

1,242 Projects Completed

Carrie has created 1,000 web pages throughout her career, excluding Writer Access. Topics of web pages have included natural health, relationships, addiction recovery, gardening, pets, business management, marketing, and sales. She has strong research skills and provides links to authoritative sources when appropriate. She writes in a friendly but informative tone.

Blog Post

1,219 Projects Completed

Carrie has written many blog posts on her blog as well as writing posts for others' blogs. She really enjoys writing about different topics, and has learned much through her research.

Product Description

108 Projects Completed

Carrie has completed 100 product descriptions. She creates descriptions that are informative and engaging. She highlights the key features of the product and the benefits it offers. She is experienced in creating short descriptions, as well as longer descriptions that provide a deeper look into the product. These descriptions help the consumer make informed decisions.

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