J Marie Y
Writer #12781
Joined 11/22/2015
5 Star Rating
100% Success
402 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
J Marie has been writing and editing as a freelancer, copywriter and content marketer for the past seven years. She has Bachelor (B.S) and Master (M.S.) degrees in News-Editorial journalism, and currently works in online marketing.

Trained as a journalist, her ability to cover virtually any topic comes from the fundamental skills of quickly finding and effectively utilizing credible sources. Working in content marketing for the past five years, she has finely tuned the craft of writing at an angle that supports a brand and its purpose without obviously stating so. In both capacities, the importance of quality and deadlines has been drilled into her work style, as half-hearted content would never cut it for print, won't stand up to online audiences and will not trick Google's algorithms. That being said, late work causes unnecessary disruptions and frustration that can be avoided through organization, work ethic and communication. Working as an editor or content manager, she never liked working with "flakes," and thus never acts as one herself.

As a reporter she covered many local events, people and places. As a freelancer, she started in women's health, then ventured on into legal, technology and marketing. She is available to write for any of these topics, and more.
Blog Post


hardware, software, technology, marketing, women's issues, women's health


technology, women's issues, women's health


University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Graduated with honors.

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Also worked as an advanced composition teaching assistant and worked as an editor for a local entertainment magazine.


134 Projects Completed

J Marie has covered technology as a freelancer and copywriter with topics featuring web content management systems, software integration, and marketing technology.


50 Projects Completed

J Marie has written extensively about hardware in her roles for several technically based organizations. Topics have included: hardware rental, hardware sales in the channel, new hardware reviews and ed tech.


20 Projects Completed

J Marie has covered women's issues and women's health since she first starting freelancing seven years ago.

Blog Post

148 Projects Completed

J Marie has written blogs for companies and online news publishers alike. Here is an example of a topical piece written for an online media group:


50 Projects Completed

J Marie has written numerous articles of various lengths and topics, depending on the need of the publisher. Here is a piece produced about mobile marketing technology.

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