Creative companies that are trying to do things a bit differently, or looking to articulate a different angle on their industry is where Brad's talent shines.
Anything and everything in the world of art, design, or technology.
A four year degree focusing on visual design.
Staying on the cutting-edge of the tech industry is in the best interest of any business, and Brad supports his clients across all industries with an in-depth knowledge of tech trends that affect their world. Hundreds of pieces of content that focus on mobile apps, electronics, cloud-computing, 3D printing, digital security and many more new and upcoming advancements.
With a background in visual art and design, Brad has established his professional focus with businesses that specialize in fashion, web design, architectural visualization and many other aesthetically-driven fields. More than 60 clients over the past 4 years gives a depth of insight and experience that will prove to be an asset on future projects.
Brad frequently produces content for clients in the business world, touching on topics of e-commerce, corporate culture, and business management. He has completed over 100 blog posts, press releases, and short essays for dozens of clients across the globe.
As the bread-and-butter of Brad's content marketing services, blog posts provide an excellent way to communicate the interests, values, and expertise of his clients. An avid blogger in his own right, Brad lends his pen to corporate blogs of all kinds.
Working with a variety non-profits and creative professionals for the past three years, Brad has gained a firm grasp on the persuasive style of grant writing. With experience on federal, state, and private grants, he puts a range of tools at his client's disposal.
Brad's in-depth articles are crafted with a wealth of research and an attention to detail that serves to educate and inform readers of all kinds. Industry specifics and technical details have never been a challenge, and have formed the foundation for all of his articles.