Natural health, wellness, fitness, relationships, spirituality, children and parenting, psychology
Hiking, reading, photography, dancing
When Jaime was diagnosed with gluten intolerance in 2002, she took to the Internet to research her condition, her symptoms, and her diet. The more she learned, the more she wanted to know. This prompted her to begin writing about natural health and nutrition so she could help others in similar situations find natural ways to heal. In 2010, she turned her passion into a career.
Jaime has learned a lot about nutrition from doing extensive research on gluten intolerance. She enjoys writing about how food can affect the body in surprising ways.
Jaime has been writing about the importance of physical fitness and exercise for the past five years. She is especially adept at creating pieces about yoga, fitness for seniors, fitness for those with chronic pain, and men's fitness.
Jaime enjoys studying and writing about interpersonal relationships. She is especially adept at writing about autism spectrum disorder, friendships, and unhealthy relationships.
Jaime spent over a year writing for a website focused on business and career. She's written job tips for people over 40, conflict in the workplace, romance in the workplace, and how to explain resume gaps.
Jaime has written thousands of articles on a wide variety of topics. She has been writing articles professionally for the past five years.
Jaime has maintained her own personal blog for five years now, and has written for and maintained dozens more. She enjoys the informality and personal touch she can apply to simple but informative blog posts.
Jaime has written dozens of product descriptions over the past five years. She creates clear content that is easy to understand and entices the customer to buy.
Jaime is experienced in creating advertisements and sales letters that clearly state the benefits of a product while being honest about its drawbacks. This technique gives consumers more confidence and increases their likelihood of buying the product and sharing the information with friends.
Jaime writes informative and interesting brochures that keep readers engaged and interested. She is experienced in creating brochures for health products, travel, and education.