Shannon C
Writer #12080
Joined 7/12/2015
4 Star Rating
99% Success
13,613 Projects
4 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Shannon has been freelance writing for more than 10 years. With clients like Travelocity and National Geographic Kids, she is no stranger to the business. Shannon guarantees that all of her writing is original. Also, she has never been late or missed a deadline in all of the time that she has been writing. When you need something written well and on time then Shannon is the best choice.

Shannon will not write about suicide due to the loss of her child to suicide.


Shannon specializes in not only meeting the needs​ of her clients but exceeding those needs as well as any expectations that her clients may have had. She also recently published a book on Amazon called "Secrets that Successful Freelancers Don't Want You to Know".


Nearly everything interests Shannon. If she is unfamiliar with the subject then she relishes the opportunity to learn about it through writing.


3,011 Projects Completed

Shannon has had a client for the last three years who asks for articles regarding Jeep parts and accessories. These articles are always in bulk and she does anywhere from 40 - 80 of them at a time.


507 Projects Completed

In this category, Shannon has completed articles that range from travel guides for ex-patriots to visitor's and tourist guides to various countries and cities.


25 Projects Completed

Various clients have hired Shannon to write gardening blogs for them. Most recently, some of here gardening blogs have been featured on one of the largest gardening blogs in the industry.


10,070 Projects Completed

Over the last 10 years, Shannon has written too many articles to count. They have run the gamut from travel and gardening to parenting, hobbies, finance, marketing and more.

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