Morgan P
Writer #11800
Joined 5/26/2015
3 Star Rating
10 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Morgan has had plenty of writing experience online. She graduated from Kaplan University online school suma cum laude. If you know anything about online schooling; you know it is almost all writing! Her attention to details and suprising klove for essay questions prompted her to pursue a career helping others write for their benefit. Morgan has written for the Animal Rescue Foundation, and hosts her own website dedicated to health and wellness of rescue animals. Morgan started a blog in her dog's name from her dog's point of view that is dedicated to feel-good rescue stories.
Blog Post


Animal Rescue; Pet health and Wellness; Criminal Justice; Forensic Psychology; Probation Officer; Sales; Marketing; B2B Sales; Dance Instructor; production Assistant; Event PLanner and Organizer


Dance; Theater; Vocal; Musical Theater; Go-Go Dancing; Stilt Walking; Aerial Arts; Circus; Stranding and Rescue of Marine Mammals


Kaplan University

Morgan studied a large umbrella of topics but landed on a degree in Forensic Psychology. It can be defined as the application of the science and profession of psychology, to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system. Forensic refers to any scientific principles where specific knowledgeable scientists play a role. Forensic psychology is a specialized branch that deals with issues that connect psychology and the law. Morgan graduated suma cum laude with a 4.0 average and membership in Golden key and the National Criminal Justice Honors Society.


2 Projects Completed

Morgan has been involved in animal rescue since she was a teenager. She has worked with The Human Society of South Mississippi, Animal Rescue Foundation of Mobile, AL, The YMCA animal shelter in Ocean Springs, MS, and is a avid support of The Umbrella of Hope based outof California. Morgan is a member of Best Friends Animal Society, The SPCA, and Peta.

Blog Post

8 Projects Completed

Morgan enjoys writing for her dog's blog in her spare time. Her dog Chaplin likes to write about all different animal rescue stories, and likes to promote products that are beneficial and noteworthy. Morgan believes that if you visit or go to his Facebook page "Chaplin-public figure) you are sure to love him and his stories!

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