Dawn M
Writer #11700
Joined 5/7/2015
4 Star Rating
100% Success
802 Projects
5 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
As her resume' documents she has only recently retrieved her freelance writing pen. The twenty year gap is attributed to a long stopover in social work which was fortified with a Sociology degree.

Following her heart she decided to pursue her life's desire and acquire her Master's in English Literature degree. The lowest grade she received was an A-. All this to - in the words of Aretha Franklin - "Sing" her "brightest song". The mission has been accomplished.

SEO online content and blogging comprises her daily chore list as she endeavors to fit in creative work as well. The sublime writer's life is so close to nature it frightens those who aren't called divinely to it.
Blog Post


research, SEO content, blogging for hire


Dramatic Scriptwriting


Queens College

Dawn M. has called Queens College home since 1986. With many dips, rips and cliffs in between both of her degrees were earned there. Following an undergraduate degree in Sociology, Dawn M. returned to acquire her Master's in Education.


4 Projects Completed

With three adult children ages 26, 25 and 20 (two girls and a boy), Dawn M. has garnered much wisdom when it comes to parenting. This expertise has translated well as her articles have been published in Essence Magazine on two separate occasions in the Parenting Department. In addition to the experiences with her own children, Dawn M's social work career namely in the field of foster care, juvenile justice and with adolescents with mental illness have provided a wealth of knowledge with children and the plethora of issues they may come with.

Blog Post

798 Projects Completed

She has been providing online content through KeyBlogging for the last several months with an emphasis on SEO content.

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