Jeff H
Writer #11509
Joined 4/8/2015
3 Star Rating
94 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
He currently is published in five different newspapers with a column on Business Commentary and is a freelance writer for one online writing service.

He also has written several successful grants in the areas of Education, Safety Training and Fire Services.

His casual writing style is informational and entertaining, while based on sufficient research to provide a unique perspective.

The writing training that he received makes him a hater of words and an avoider of fluff with the overall goal of no passive sentences.

White Paper


Inbound Marketing, Online Marketing, Leadership, Management, Higher Education, Teacher Technology Education


Mountain Climbing, Hiking, Mountain Biking, Backpacking, Basketball, Coaching, Scouting


Idaho State University

Gain understanding of elements of leadership, marketing and legal aspects of running an athletic program.

Idaho State University

Undergraduate Degree in Finance


50 Projects Completed

Jeff is an accomplished Inbound Marketer who understands the inbound process and the types of content needed to attract the right customers. He has written several email newsletter campaigns for educational institutions and small businesses as well as blog articles on such diverse topics as Confined Space Entry Permits, Medical Coding and Buying Rental Properties. He has also written content—home page, about us, product descriptions, etc.— for educational, professional and individual websites. Additionally, he has authored several white papers and enjoys the research that goes into developing “valuable” resources.
His creative approach and casual writing style make his writing informative, yet easy to read.


40 Projects Completed

Passionate people, looking to make a difference, fuel the world of education. Often, this passion needs funding and a voice to help tell the story. Jeff has helped give voice to over 40 K-12 school districts and two higher education institutions in their quest for funding opportunities. Jeff takes the time to really understand the proposal and through careful research has the ability to clearly articulate the vision for a project. His projects have ranged from a statewide proposal for teacher technology training to a regional grant for safety training for minority workers in industrial environments. Additionally, he wrote a regional equipment grant for firefighters to obtain new equipment that required him to work with 15 different fire departments in the collection, organization and writing of the application.

White Paper

4 Projects Completed

Understanding that the role of a white paper lies between being a magazine article and company brochure requires a writer to demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter and the ability to keep it “light”. Having written several white papers for academic and corporate use, Jeff understands the balance that needs to exist between readability and in-depth information. His favorite part about the white paper creation process is the research phase. All of his projects are thoroughly researched and documented—he has been trained in the APA citation format—using multiple, reputable sources. His creative approach and casual writing style make his white papers informative, yet easy to read.

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